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Perk for wielding 2-handers in one hand


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I am requesting a Level 100 perk essentially to allow players to wield their two-handers with one hand to allow the use of shields, etc. I have no idea if this is possible, but after reading about high-level Daedra wielding two-handers in one hand in older TES titles the idea has always interested me. I completely understand if this is not possible, but the animations already exist to wield 2-handed swords in one hand at the very least. I have no idea what else would be involved!
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Tytanis has a lot of stuff and I heard it was dead. Perhaps someone could make a mod excessively for this? I, for one, do not like mods with a lot of content. Things like Tytanis and Midas Magic have a bunch of cool ideas and such, but I prefer the ability to pick and choose. Like this feature -- add. Don't like this feature -- don't download the mod. Again, that's just my opinion.
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Tytanis has a lot of stuff and I heard it was dead. Perhaps someone could make a mod excessively for this? I, for one, do not like mods with a lot of content. Things like Tytanis and Midas Magic have a bunch of cool ideas and such, but I prefer the ability to pick and choose. Like this feature -- add. Don't like this feature -- don't download the mod. Again, that's just my opinion.

"Last updated an 03:04, 1 March 2012" so definitely not dead. Agreed on the 'lots of stuff' thing, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, especially when most of said 'stuff' is awesome.

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It's already been done. I know tytanis has it, don't know if there are any others.


Thanks, I took a look at your suggestion, but I see it has incompatibility with mods and is more of an overhaul. :( I understand if this is the only option for the time being.

Edited by Cataxu
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