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Bout ready to to give up on Skyrim!


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Seems like every stinking time I get a good save going something happens that royally screws everything up and I have to completely start over. Now I have the crash to desktop on using the esc key, I have installed mods but I deactivated all of them including the dlc's to where I only have Skyrim and Update and it is still doing it. Last night power went out and every since then all my games have messed up and my mouse won't even scroll no more.


I did a verify through steam, said five fives needed to be reaquired. still does it. When I recently reinstalled skyrim I copied the game over to another hard drive that way in case something happened all I had to do was copy the backup to reset everything. Well, wouldn't you know it the drive I had it backed up on is now not showing up. UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!


If I have to reinstall again this time I will put it on a jump drive. Then maybe, just maybe, nothing won't happen to the jump drive. I have a new motherboard and proc, was trying to wait until I get paid again to get me a new hard drive since the ones I have are pretty old. But looks like I am going to have to break down and do it anyway.


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Ok I got the ctd straightened out. That part was me. I have found a video a while back about cleaning master records. I had done this when I first installed the game, after installing a few mods I went back and run it again to see if it needed it again. For each record there is 3 steps, I skipped one of the steps and that is what was causing the ctd. I went back and did all three steps and it stopped.


Now the reason I did that was it started hanging up at the loading screen. Found out that was caused by installing open cities while i was inside a city. Uninstalled Open Cities, went back to a previous save, saved outside city, installed Open cities again. and it works. :wallbash:

Edited by DragonBorn5185
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