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skorpio12 - Formal warning issued

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skorpio12 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Troll feeding and vigilantism by replying to an offending comment in an offensive way instead of reporting it.


User's post on 15 August 2017, 10:29 AM:

„Pretty stupid question. If you dont like the mod move on instead of being a moron and talk dirty!“


Please, report trolling comments instead of replying to them.


Terms of Service, section Commenting and forum posting rules (excerpt):

„ … If you believe that someone elses post does not fit into these criteria then you are encouraged to report the comment in question for moderator review. Above all do not post in reply to the offending comment however good intentioned your post might be, even if you are the author of the file in question. This is known as feeding the trolls and forum vigilantism and is frowned upon by the moderator staff. You may well end up with a suspension from the site if you partake in this activity. …“





This warning was issued for what took place here, here




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