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Closed Faced Dragonplate Helmet?


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I know this might be a dumb topic but is there a mod that adds a closed faced dragonplate helmet. I have seen some mods that add a dragonplate helmet that covers the mouth region of the helmet with a wooden looking mask but i'm talking about a helmet where the mouth and eye region are black similar to how the Daedric helmet's eye region is completely black. If there is a mod for that then can I get a link to it or if it doesn't exist can someone make a mod for it?

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I've also tried looking for something similar but ended up empty handed. The closest I could find for this kind of request is the Dragonbone Ebonsteel mod which adds a chain cover for the mouth but does leave the eyes alone. I never liked the "Improved closefaced helmets" mod but it seems to be the only one available.

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