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- Cash Registers as shops.


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As simple as that, placeable cash register machines that work as shops; maybe with diferent colours for each kind of shop...? the default clear blue for General shop, white for Medical shop, red for Weapons shop, orange for Clothes shop, yellow for Armour shop and... purple for Bars?.

In that way we could benefit from existing places that would be perfect for stablish some kind of shop or shops and also save space in the settlements, in this video by a great builder named Oxhorn about Covenant there's a great example of what would be a perfect spot that was already used before as a General Store.


(WARNING: This video contains spoilers):

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Many thanks; i've found something close to what i was requesting, the BlueBeer's Vendors:




that allows you to place the cash registers where ever you want no matter the heigh or anything, as happy and proud use of the Precise Object Placement addon, i could make use of it in case of need it, but the BlueBeer's addon is closer to my needs/wishes than the addon that you propouse; but many thanks anyway for the help man.

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Yep. And yes, retexturing them is coming.


They are in the Exports AIO as well.


NOTE: the vendor goes to the LEFT of the register. So, if you put the bar one on a counter, they do their animation still.

(so leave room for it)



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