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Papyrus Compiler wont compile any script.


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The papyrus compiler just gives me a bunch of errors and wont compile my script. (I know for a fact my script has no errors)


heres the error log



--- ERRORS ---

Keyword.psc(4,33): unknown type location
Actor.psc(27,49): unknown type globalvariable
Actor.psc(28,34): globalvariable is not a known user-defined type
Actor.psc(28,1): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?)
ActorBase.psc(4,15): unknown type class
Quest.psc(12,66): unknown type globalvariable
Quest.psc(13,12): globalvariable is not a known user-defined type
Quest.psc(18,34): globalvariable is not a known user-defined type
Quest.psc(18,40): cannot compare a none to a float (cast missing or types unrelated)
Quest.psc(18,40): cannot relatively compare variables to None
Quest.psc(18,90): globalvariable is not a known user-defined type
Quest.psc(18,96): cannot compare a none to a float (cast missing or types unrelated)
Quest.psc(18,96): cannot relatively compare variables to None
Quest.psc(135,58): unknown type globalvariable
Quest.psc(140,10): unknown type location
Quest.psc(144,10): unknown type location
Quest.psc(148,10): unknown type location
Quest.psc(155,10): unknown type location
Quest.psc(158,62): unknown type location
Quest.psc(159,10): unknown type location
Quest.psc(169,31): unknown type location
Quest.psc(173,10): unknown type location
Quest.psc(176,33): unknown type location
Quest.psc(179,36): unknown type location
Quest.psc(185,28): unknown type location
Quest.psc(200,71): unknown type location
Quest.psc(205,10): unknown type location
Quest.psc(208,57): unknown type location
Quest.psc(229,10): unknown type location
Quest.psc(232,48): unknown type location
Quest.psc(236,33): unknown type location
Quest.psc(241,10): unknown type location
LeveledItem.psc(13,24): unknown type globalvariable
LeveledItem.psc(14,40): unknown type globalvariable
MagicEffect.psc(48,15): unknown type light
MagicEffect.psc(49,24): unknown type light
MagicEffect.psc(51,22): unknown type effectshader
MagicEffect.psc(52,35): unknown type effectshader
MagicEffect.psc(54,22): unknown type effectshader
MagicEffect.psc(55,39): unknown type effectshader
MagicEffect.psc(57,20): unknown type projectile
MagicEffect.psc(58,34): unknown type projectile
MagicEffect.psc(60,19): unknown type explosion
MagicEffect.psc(61,32): unknown type explosion
MagicEffect.psc(72,23): unknown type impactdataset
MagicEffect.psc(73,40): unknown type impactdataset
MagicEffect.psc(78,28): unknown type imagespacemodifier
MagicEffect.psc(79,45): unknown type imagespacemodifier
Race.psc(20,19): unknown type voicetype
Race.psc(23,52): unknown type voicetype
ActorBase.psc(55,24): unknown type class
ActorBase.psc(104,19): unknown type voicetype
ActorBase.psc(105,32): unknown type voicetype
Shout.psc(4,21): unknown type wordofpower
Shout.psc(8,46): unknown type wordofpower
Actor.psc(179,17): unknown type package
Ammo.psc(9,20): unknown type projectile
Weapon.psc(54,16): unknown type static
Weapon.psc(55,33): unknown type static
Actor.psc(293,45): unknown type associationtype
Actor.psc(454,28): unknown type idle
Actor.psc(457,38): unknown type idle
Actor.psc(721,32): unknown type location
Actor.psc(721,51): unknown type location
Actor.psc(733,29): unknown type package
Actor.psc(737,30): unknown type package
Actor.psc(741,27): unknown type package
Game.psc(176,41): unknown type wordofpower
Game.psc(251,57): unknown type imagespacemodifier
Game.psc(257,31): unknown type wordofpower
Game.psc(263,32): unknown type wordofpower
ObjectReference.psc(86,33): location is not a known user-defined type
ObjectReference.psc(86,77): location is not a known user-defined type
ObjectReference.psc(110,5): unknown type key
ObjectReference.psc(112,5): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?)
ObjectReference.psc(112,29): cannot compare a none to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)
ObjectReference.psc(113,3): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?)
ObjectReference.psc(242,18): unknown type location
ObjectReference.psc(245,15): unknown type scene
ObjectReference.psc(251,18): unknown type location
ObjectReference.psc(269,13): unknown type key
ObjectReference.psc(368,19): unknown type voicetype
ObjectReference.psc(374,20): unknown type worldspace
ObjectReference.psc(388,41): unknown type locationreftype
ObjectReference.psc(465,90): unknown type encounterzone
ObjectReference.psc(477,45): unknown type impactdataset
ObjectReference.psc(517,19): unknown type topic
ObjectReference.psc(598,36): unknown type location
ObjectReference.psc(600,10): unknown type location
ObjectReference.psc(604,20): location is not a known user-defined type
ObjectReference.psc(665,67): unknown type projectile
ObjectReference.psc(822,24): unknown type referencealias
ObjectReference.psc(834,26): unknown type referencealias[]
Keyword.psc(8,45): unknown type location
ActiveMagicEffect.psc(188,67): unknown type projectile
ActiveMagicEffect.psc(308,32): unknown type location
ActiveMagicEffect.psc(308,51): unknown type location
ActiveMagicEffect.psc(320,29): unknown type package
ActiveMagicEffect.psc(324,30): unknown type package
ActiveMagicEffect.psc(328,27): unknown type package
modCloudInventory_PlayerSpellSCRIPT.psc(0,0): unable to locate script debug
modCloudInventory_PlayerSpellSCRIPT.psc(6,17): unknown type message
modCloudInventory_PlayerSpellSCRIPT.psc(29,12): Notification is not a function or does not exist
modCloudInventory_PlayerSpellSCRIPT.psc(33,12): Notification is not a function or does not exist
modCloudInventory_PlayerSpellSCRIPT.psc(39,37): message is not a known user-defined type
modCloudInventory_PlayerSpellSCRIPT.psc(39,4): type mismatch while assigning to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)




heres the script im trying to compile:



Scriptname modCloudInventory_PlayerSpellSCRIPT Extends ActiveMagicEffect
import game
import utility
import debug

Message Property msgCloudInventoryMenu Auto
Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
;Crafting Inventory
ObjectReference Property CloudInventoryCont_Crafting Auto
;Armor Inventory
ObjectReference Property CloudInventoryCont_Armor Auto
;Weapon Inventory
ObjectReference Property CloudInventoryCont_Weapons Auto
;Potion Inventory
ObjectReference Property CloudInventoryCont_Potions Auto
;Books Inventory
ObjectReference Property CloudInventoryCont_Books Auto
;Gems Inventory
ObjectReference Property CloudInventoryCont_Gems Auto
;Jewlery Inventory
ObjectReference Property CloudInventoryCont_Jewlery Auto
;Misc Inventory
ObjectReference Property CloudInventoryCont_Misc Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
If(akCaster == PlayerREF)
if(!IsInMenuMode() && !PlayerREF.IsInCombat())
Notification("Cloud Inventory: Loading up cloud storage...")
Notification("Cloud Inventory: Cannot access your cloud inventory during combat")

Function Menu(Int aiButton = 0)
aiButton = msgCloudInventoryMenu.Show()
If(aiButton == 0);Inv Crafting
ElseIf(aiButton == 1);Inv Armor
ElseIf(aiButton == 2);Inv Weapons
ElseIf(aiButton == 3);Inv Potions
ElseIf(aiButton == 4);Inv Books
ElseIf(aiButton == 5); Inv Gems
ElseIf(aiButton == 6); Inv Jewlery
ElseIf(aiButton == 7);Inv Misc




I have recopied over my vanilla game backup and reinstalled the CK and SKSE and still nothing

Edited by DarkWolfModding
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Some things to check in no particular order:


#1 Length of script's file name. I have ran into issues with the length of a script's name when compiling within the Creation Kit. Not sure of the specific length but for some reason 29 sticks out in my head. You may want to try reducing the name and seeing if that does anything. Compiling with an external program like SublimeText avoids this issue.


#2 Ensure that your scripts.rar file is properly unpacked so that the Creation Kit has access to the source scripts. If you need access to DLC scripts also make sure that you copy them into the correct source folder. The CK can only look into a single folder and as a result source files will need to be merged. When doing so, be sure to follow the same order as the ESM files so that the appropriate versions overwrite previous ones. i.e. Skyrim > Dawnguard > Hearthfires > Dragonborn


FYI - Your script compiles just fine on my machine with SublimeText. The problem is most likely related to #2.


PS. If it helps you any, you may utilize code ideas from any of my 'bag of holding' / 'inventory' related type mods.

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ill give it a try, I did move skyrim Special Edition directly over to my SSD ver from my HDD maybe it has something to do with that

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