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A few mod ideas


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the robot chappie from the movie 'chappie', would be awesome - Chappie


gun textures that resemble a more colorful future like the yellow plastic looking firearm in the movie chappie - neon guns


vertibird alternatives like a real helicopter or maybe something out of a movie such as a drop ship from star wars, i would assume that what ever it would be it would have to work within the confines that the vertibird has already set up but even then theres plenty of material out there - alternative vertibird replacers


one thing i have yet to see and this might be out there but i havent seen it so im gonna throw it in here, in game modifiable laser shot colors, would be cool just a though - workshop laser colors


more punk raider armors, i feel like raiders have been left out big time especially the males, would def love to see some more armors like the toxic armor mod but maybe a little more metal - more raider armors


GRILLZ yes GRILLZ i want golden teefers please for the love of God some one mod some golden teefers for a male character - GRILLZ golden teefers


this one i have no idea if at all possible, but its a good idea, categorizing robots as capable of doing certain things better in or around settlements depending on the class of robot that it is, like say a harvester robot would have harvesting bonuses compared to a human, and this could be balanced by making the resources to create the robot rarer? something like that would be cool - settlement worker bots


a cybernetic MALE body we been left out in the cold on this one BIG time, id love a mod like this, this should be higher up on my list def, something like the guy from deus ex, where parts of hiim are still flesh but his arms/legs are cybernetic but not hollow- male cyber body texture


not sure why this one hasnt happened yet but a power armor that is smaller than your average power armor, like one designed to be more nimble and well rounded as opposed to being a walking tank, so maybe on this one you have lower armor ratings than on the heavy power armors but on this one you move faster, jump higher, jetpack lasts longer, and is more uniform to your body - light power armor


and last but not least, the fallout 3 mobile base crawler as a movable settlement, or maybe a different base of the same type of crawler base, big fan of the enclave and this one would be awesome with some pre ordained spots for it in the capital wasteland, spots that you could move it to, but id prefer maybe a quest be involved where you actually have to work for it and fight for it - mobile enclave base crawler


fanx guise for ur time :tongue:

Edited by reezyman
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"[...] categorizing robots as capable of doing certain things better in or around settlements depending on the class of robot that it is, [...] - settlement worker bots"

I've thought this would be cool before.



"[...] power armor that is smaller than your average power armor, [...] - light power armor"

I've always wanted someone to make this as well. I figured it should be like what master cheif wears.

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LoL i doubt we'll have many drivable vehicles due to gameplay mechanics, that part i dont mind. and stronglav that might be a good idea to shout at the mod creator of the fallout commander mod, hes just about added all of the factions in there besides nuka cola and the enclave but he has said he's adding in the enclave soon. and yasss Gar LoL robots that have a greater use than just fighting would be pretty sweet. and as for the light power armor, i envision it maybe a little bigger than master chiefs but something along those lines. LoL would be neat to give it unique capabilities

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