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Flying/falling companions and npc's


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Ok, its me, back again for another broken modding problem that most likely won't get fixed. I've searched all around, asking people and going on websites. And nothing. Also,This has happened a few times now. When i'm walking/running, other npcs and companions will teleport all around, fly around, and fall from the sky. It almost becomes impossible for me to kill (some) enemies. I have a few clips below. But i have no clue how to fix this.


http://plays.tv/video/5994326bb9c11e727f/1?from=user In this video, i was trying to kill some spiders, (monster mod) and I couldn't kill them, because they were flying everywhere. This Happens almost all the time. It's very annoying.


http://plays.tv/video/599433dda3bd0993b0/2?from=user Here is another example. The legion were teleporting. And storyteller (storyteller) flew up into the air, and landed on the roof.


i forgot to record more. i alt-tabbed out of New Vegas and plays.tv stopped.


My mod list should be at the bottom of the page. Thank you for reading and Please help me.

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Please see the 'Issue: NPCs and Creatures are moving at "hyper-speed"' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


Do not install multiple conflicting options of plugins. E.g. one or the other of "AwesomeCripplingEffectsJIPLN1.1.esp" or

"Awesome Crippling Effects v1.7.esp", but not both. In this case, dump the JIPLN version as it seems to still cause this issue. You have more than one instance of this "multiple unnecessary files". Re-read mod install instructions wherever you have more than one plugin for that mod.


Move all "inactive" plugins out of the game "Data" folder. The game engine still loads them and that can cause problems.


With more than one plugin affecting the same records, you need to have a "merge/bash patch". Please see the 'Third Rule: The Rule of One', 'Smaller Plugin Cap', and 'Merge Patch file' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


Edited by dubiousintent
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