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The Assasin Game, Together.


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This is my Twitch wish as it were.

âImagine that you play Skyrim in multiplayer mode with 16 to 20 players. On day three the messenger brings you a message. You open it and there is a single name printed. This is your target. You must kill this person or -- he you -- within the wide world of Skyrim. Someone else has received a message with your name on it as well. But who out of the number of players is it? You won't know until it may be too late.

âYou manage to track down your hit by asking npcs or other players if they have seen this person and fin ally the trail is red hot. (no fast travel by the way) You've been laying in wait by Whiterun gates and there he is. You take aim and fire with a poisoned arrow and score your kill. Checking the body, you find this persons target and assume his hit.


If you are killed by your hunter, you cannot respawn. If you are not, you will respawn in a random in bedroom in one game day.

âBy the end of the game, a prize might be divided up in two ways. the one with the most kills (Only approved hits are counted) gets half the prize and the last assassin standing gains the other.

âI imagine tournaments with identical rigs televised for screen shares at a time on twitch with commentary.

âIf you know the Skyrim Together folks or Tamriel online, please share this post with them.

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