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Help: Ending Quest "Revealing the Unseen"


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The quest seems to end somewhat normally, Ancano does his thing with the Eye of Magnus and the Archmage gets blown out of the room then Mirabelle tells me to go look for him. Of course, When I get outside, everyone should be gathered near the corpse of the Archmage then I speak to Tolfdir after which I then have to go kill Magical Anomalies in Winterhold. However, when I go outside, no one is gathered near the Archmage and no one seems to care. Everyone is just going about their daily activities and the questline just abruptly ends here and doesn't update. I've tried reloading earlier save files as well as a few supposed bug fixes like not killing Paratus Decimius after completing the Focusing Crystal puzzle, parting ways with any followers before ending the quest, and completing any miscellaneous quests for the College, but nothing seems to work.


I'd love to hear any suggestions to help fix this issue. Also, I play the Skyrim Special Edition for Xbox One with some mods although I can't imagine many of them being able to cause the issue. The only ones I can really think might cause some issues are Cheat Room and Alternate Start - Live Another Life.

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