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Long loading times switching cells with visible windows blue cursor and frozen loading screen


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Okay, so I switched enbs - used an enb manager to ensure clean switch - was using tetrachromic and switched to snowfall.... game plays smoothly but loading screens take a really long time - several minutes for first load and then faster after that. When moving say from whiterun plaza into any interior cell such as bannered mare, i get a couple secs of normal loading screen, which then freezes and I see an animate blue cursor. And wait... i can hear the music and then I hear the sound of the cell i am trying to enter before seeing it. I think I did something in my enb file or ini files that fixed this in the past but can't recall. running windows 10 and a top end gaming rig with 1080. Anyone have ideas? thx



FIXED! Update in thread below.


Update: Well, was fixed - decided i didn't like my LODs and generated some new ones and the loading screen freeze is back with the cursor... very strange. Must be a texture/memory thing. Loading is faster and acceptable, guess I just have to deal with the cursor now.


Key is that once you manage to resolve this issue - dont' mess with your build! ;-)

Edited by KurganSPK
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This just seems to happen for me with various setups. My load times are entirely reasonable, but the blue windows cursor is annoying beyond a reasonable degree for what it is. I always just figured it's due to ENB making things work very hard. If there is at the least a cursor fix I'd love to hear it too.

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This just seems to happen for me with various setups. My load times are entirely reasonable, but the blue windows cursor is annoying beyond a reasonable degree for what it is. I always just figured it's due to ENB making things work very hard. If there is at the least a cursor fix I'd love to hear it too.

I had fast load times and no cursor... then I mucked things up and changed enbs, lol. New enb required vivid weathers and that's the only change from my previous build. New enb of course required new enblocal and series.inis so either the combo of the new enb and vivid is just too much, or more likely I missed a setting in my ini files.

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Well I fixed it! At least I'm 99% sure.... I went back to this guide (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74427/?) and went through the ENB config section slowly and looked for places in my new enblocal.ini that did not match up. Sure enough there were a few (I'd used this guide before with my Tetrachromatic build and it worked great.)


The Antialiasing, Limiter and AdaptiveQuality sections were different and I changed my new enblocal to match the guide. Strange thing is I set the FPS limit to 58 with NV Inspector so am not supposed to need to enable it in the enb...


After making these changes the long loading times are gone, as is the cursor.


Only place I don't match the guide's settings is Reserved Mem and VidMemSize, which I've maxed out at 1024 and 8192, respectively. I've found that even though I'm dealing with the Win 10 4GB limit, setting the value higher seems to help.


Game is super smooth now and appears to be rock solid - I may actually get to "play" it now, lol.


BTW: the Snowfall ENB is really nice - particularly if you use Frostfall.

Edited by KurganSPK
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Oh, and another potential cause is having task manager open in the background when you run the game - was having the cursor issue, noticed TM was open and closed it. Relaunched game, no more cursor issue.

Edited by KurganSPK
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Ahaha I had seemingly fixed this at least temporarily, came to let you know, and now after reading your replies I am even more confused =D Currently the issue isn't happening in my game even with task manager open, which I nearly always do have open. I was going to post that I thought I'd narrowed it down to third party shaders and so on in some ENBs (sweetfx for example) asking other things to wait for them when loading cells. Now I have no idea at all what change sorted it out, but either way if it's fixed for us both that's awesome.

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Ahaha I had seemingly fixed this at least temporarily, came to let you know, and now after reading your replies I am even more confused =D Currently the issue isn't happening in my game even with task manager open, which I nearly always do have open. I was going to post that I thought I'd narrowed it down to third party shaders and so on in some ENBs (sweetfx for example) asking other things to wait for them when loading cells. Now I have no idea at all what change sorted it out, but either way if it's fixed for us both that's awesome.

Yeah, modded Skyrim is a fickle beast - you will laugh. I had my game perfect, or so I thought, and when I met Aela for first time she had a mismatched head and I literally tore my game apart for hours trying to fix it to no avail. Then, I happened to do a PRID on her in game and noticed she was last modified by Scoped Bows.... and then found a small line about making sure Scoped is above NPC mods in your LO... presto fixed. Sigh. Had to start yet another new game, but no more loading screen issues and so far, so good.... I will not change anything now... I WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING!!!!!!!!! lol. Whenever I leave Task Manager open in BG I get the loading screen issue, just FWIW.

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Ahaha I had seemingly fixed this at least temporarily, came to let you know, and now after reading your replies I am even more confused =D Currently the issue isn't happening in my game even with task manager open, which I nearly always do have open. I was going to post that I thought I'd narrowed it down to third party shaders and so on in some ENBs (sweetfx for example) asking other things to wait for them when loading cells. Now I have no idea at all what change sorted it out, but either way if it's fixed for us both that's awesome.

Yeah, modded Skyrim is a fickle beast - you will laugh. I had my game perfect, or so I thought, and when I met Aela for first time she had a mismatched head and I literally tore my game apart for hours trying to fix it to no avail. Then, I happened to do a PRID on her in game and noticed she was last modified by Scoped Bows.... and then found a small line about making sure Scoped is above NPC mods in your LO... presto fixed. Sigh. Had to start yet another new game, but no more loading screen issues and so far, so good.... I will not change anything now... I WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING!!!!!!!!! lol. Whenever I leave Task Manager open in BG I get the loading screen issue, just FWIW.


Yeah I've had many similar and as ridiculous situations. Every time I know I'll end up changing something too. Messing with Task Manager some more it does seem to reliably provoke the problem, but seems not to if opened with Skyrim already running, at least for the moment. It's pretty wierd.

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