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Why Does My Character have Veins on Her Face?


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The first screenshot had me all "Can't see her face, my dude." but the second one lays it out. Wow...That is some serious Viral Infection shenanigans....Lemme make a quick google search...

[Five minutes later]

OKay, a quick look around shows you are not alone.

https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2301614-strange-lines-in-my-dunmers-face/ This guys Dunmer has the exact same problem.

Apparently it's a tattoo associated with certain factions/races. A trip to the face changer or open RaceMenu should rectify the situation.

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Wow, I have been Googling this for two days, so I am impressed you found it, and five minutes later... Well, whatever the cause this is how I fixed it. I have the simple bathing mod installed. I leaded an old save, bathed, then opened my current save and it was gone. Must have been just a texture, character glitch. At least it isn't catching, my followers are safe.

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Wow, I have been Googling this for two days, so I am impressed you found it, and five minutes later... Well, whatever the cause this is how I fixed it. I have the simple bathing mod installed. I leaded an old save, bathed, then opened my current save and it was gone. Must have been just a texture, character glitch. At least it isn't catching, my followers are safe.

Interesting. Does the bathing in any way change your characters skin (IE, make it look wet)? Because it may have swapped your skins and somehow wound up with the face tattoo.

Usually people report issues of peoples faces going dark, so a literal viral infection of sorts actually had me concerned!

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