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I was looking at this map and i saw that with the exception of the Hlaalu stronghold that u could get, all the other strongholds you could get for a House Quest are fairly isolated. I was just wondering if there was any fast way to get to any of the strongholds after they are fully completed. For example, do any of them have Temples or shrines that you could use an Intervention to get to. Or do any of them have silt striders or ships. Etc. And i dont use mods and i am already using my mark and recall for another location. (when i said with exception to Hlaalu i meant that from the map, it looked so close to hla Oad which has a ship, though the distance between Hlaalu and Oad may be larger than it appears, i have no idea)
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I too have noticed that it seems only those drug running sons-of-guars Haalu are the only ones who get a stronghold thats not out in the boondocks. I believe the closest you can get to the Redoran stronghold at Bal Isra is Aldrun, and even then you'll probably need a levitate to get to it directly due to the mountainous terrain. The Telvanni tower is even worse, the closest settlement with a mage guild/imerpial shrine/Almsivi temple is Sadrith Mora, and carting 200 pounds of loot across the water and over uneven terrain is not fun.


Your best bet is to simply leave a mark at your house and get a Divine/Almsivi Intervention amulet (can be found or obtained by a quest) or a DI Ring thats up on Dagon Fel in a fortress. Also, I've heard of a multiple-mark mod if you have the PC version, so that's another possibility.

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If you have a high alteration you can make a spell with 100 jump for about 2 seconds and you can jump to your stronghold in no time at all. With it i was able to go from bolmora to my telvanni house in less than 2 minutes. talk about fast travel. With the spell from sadrith mora you could jump the distance to urviths grave in one or two jumps.
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