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For the Roleplayers- Setting the Stage and suggestions


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So recently I had to nuke my computer and we all know what that means. I settled on the notion that I had completed everything I wanted to do on my previous characters, and decided to start fresh on a brand new Skyrim Adventure.

But I have this inkling that I may be putting the Horker before the Horker loaf, if you will, so give me your thoughts.


My idea is a combination of Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar and trying to put a significant purpose to all the personally awesome companions that I like to use, and it has to with the Dragonborn needing to collect certain companions born under certain stars and bring them together to.......I haven't quite gotten that far into the idea.

The idea I had was having to bring together and adventure with a series of companion characters to earn the right to be worthy of a certain prize...some idea I had would require me to go and get certain things unlocked preemptively to ensure they are where they ought to be when the time is right.


What do you think? Am I over complicating things or do you guys have any notions to make this sort of happen?

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