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Surround Sound issue with dialogue


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Hi everyone.


I've been having a weird bug... I play the game through a 5.1 surround sound amp via a s/pdif cable plugged into my Asus Xonar DX sound card. What happens is when an NPC starts talking, if I turn away from the NPC, a bit of the sound file gets cut out when that person is directly behind me. It's like if I'm turning in 360 degrees, the voice cuts out right at 180, and by the time I've turned another 10 degrees, the sound file resume out of the back left or right speaker (depending on which direction I am spinning).


Any ideas?



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Sup, i kinda had the same problem but i use 7.1 and its even worse.

When i look in to the npc's face while its talking i hear nothing, if id want to hear on atleast on side of my headset (lets say the left side) id have to look to the right side of the screen while the npc is talking.

So i just changed back to ''stereo'', kinda disappointing but ''Stereo'' works fine to :)

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Hi, Did you ensure that you're set to 6 channels in both the Audio Center and in the sound properties in windows? Also, do you use GX? That has been known to cause issues. I'd recommend using analog out as spdif has been know to be unreliable with its reproduction of PC distinct channel surround.
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Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I've got the control panel and audio center both set to 5.1. GX is disabled and I really don't have any option aside from s/pdif (using an old amplifier). For the most part, Skyrim is performing perfectly through my audio system. It just bugs out occasionally as I start to walk away from talking NPCs. The audio will be playing from the appropriate speaker(s), then it'll suddenly cut out a half a second or so of the NPC's dialogue, before just as suddenly resuming the dialogue. It's bizarre. Edited by kythlyn
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