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Random first person camera lock


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That sounds more like a mouse control problem instead of a mod issue. Do you happen to have a console gamepad attached? Please see the 'Solutions to Control problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. There several "mouse" issues and solutions in there that may be of some help.


If you still think it may be one of those mods, I use "OneTweak" without issue so "Solid Project" would be my suspect. Try holding off on installing it until you have a character generated and have left Doc Mitchel's house before installing it and see if that makes a difference. The game is much more constrained until you leave Doc's place.



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No gamepad. only happens in first person. If I hold z I can move my camera around though. but otherwise im locked looking at the same place. and this doesn't just happen on new saves either, its also happening on my current character.

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I'm having trouble getting loot to work through mod organizer, all of a sudden its showing a blank window when shown through mod organizer, either that or new vegas is greyed out in it

EDIT: Fixed the issue but LOOT crashes when trying to sort the load order, but atleast I can copy it. I don't know why im having all these problems all of a sudden everything has been working fine up until this pont


0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
11 b SomeguySeries.esm
12 c oHUD.esm
13 d New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
14 e Run the Lucky 38.esm
15 f Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp
16 10 Project Nevada - Core.esm
17 11 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
18 12 domecity.esm
19 13 NVStripOpen.esm
20 14 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
21 15 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
22 16 Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
23 17 More Perks.esm
24 18 Advanced Recon Tech.esm
25 19 NevadaSkies.esm
26 1a YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
27 1b Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp
28 1c Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
29 1d Project Nevada - All DLC.esp
30 1e EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
31 1f IMPACT.esp
32 20 Weapon Sound Compilation Vanilla GUN.esp
33 21 Weapon Sound Compilation Vanilla.esp
34 22 Realistic Equip Sounds.esp
35 23 Seeker Veronica.esp
36 24 Advanced Recon Desert Ranger Helmet.esp
37 25 lexx-hh-letter-english.esp
38 26 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
39 27 New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
40 28 Roberts_NewVegas.esp
41 29 The Lucky 38 Empire.esp
43 2b vault22FloralOverhaul.esp
44 2c NewVegasBounties.esp
45 2d NewVegasBountiesII.esp
46 2e LessAnnoyingMojaveDialogues.esp
47 2f TheInheritance.esp
48 30 Legion Quests Expanded.esp
49 31 StripOpenMain.esp
50 32 Wild Wasteland Integration.esp
51 33 LFox Animals Have Meat.esp
52 34 ImprovedGeckoLeatherArmor.esp
53 35 Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp
54 36 Better Burned Man.esp
55 37 FP gun follows crosshairs.esp
56 38 BushSounds.esp
57 39 NewVegasBountiesIII.esp
58 3a Russell.esp
59 3b BarrelCrafting.esp
60 3c Badmothaf*#@a.esp
62 3e FO4-FNVPorts.esp
63 3f NewVegasKiller.esp
Strip Wall Billboards.esp
64 40 AmmoChecking.esp
65 41 Book of Steel.esp
66 42 VaultTecPowerArmor.esp
67 43 Couriers Stash - Package Selection Menu.esp
68 44 evilkarmatweak.esp
69 45 CASM with MCM.esp
70 46 LightUpAndSmokeThoseCigarettes_edisleado.esp
71 47 lightupandsmokethosecigarettes_dm.esp
72 48 GRA-WRP-Patch-Two_Unofficial.esp
73 49 Casino UnBanner.esp
74 4a Economy Overhaul.esp
75 4b NVR 3 + LQE.esp
76 4c Immersive Karma.esp
77 4d An Ode to Bed.esp
78 4e LootMenu.esp
79 4f The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
80 50 DarNifiedUINV.esp
81 51 CRFTOven.esp
82 52 Advanced Recon Riot Gear Helmet.esp
83 53 NECK COVERS.esp
84 54 Burning Campfire.esp
85 55 FCO - GlowingOne.esp
86 56 Advanced Recon Tech.esp
87 57 Advanced Recon Gear.esp
88 58 Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp
89 59 Cowboy Perk Complete - New Vegas Bounties.esp
90 5a TheBetterAngels.esp
91 5b GasPumpsOfNV.esp
92 5c CasinoHeists.esp
93 5d AirForceArmorT57C.esp
94 5e KingOfTheRing.esp
95 5f Boomers - T-57c PA.esp
96 60 Seeker Armor.esp
97 61 FlashlightNVSE.esp
98 62 HomeWeaponsPack.esp
99 63 distributed_necklaces_and_chains_neck_seam_concealer.esp
100 64 Karmic Balance.esp
101 65 Reload Sounds.esp
102 66 PSFMorePerksEVE.esp
103 67 Lobotomite Goggles that don't suck.esp
104 68 ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp
105 69 RadiiHairFix.esp
106 6a BlackMountainRadioArchive.esp
107 6b NVBIIAmbientNoise.esp
108 6c FlipOff.esp
109 6d NVBIIIAmbientNoise.esp
110 6e RussellAmbientNoise.esp
111 6f TheBetterAngelsAmbientNoise.esp
112 70 AccidentalLaunch.esp
NCR Ranger Helmet Neck Cover.esp
Riot Gear Neck Cover.esp
113 72 NCR Salute.esp
114 73 Legion Dialogue Behavior overhaul.esp
115 74 Pip-Boy 3000 Mk.2.esp
116 75 pipboy2500_edisleado.esp
117 76 NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Most of the ones written in caps are ones I'd made using the merge plugin script for FNVedit
Edited by Gohstly
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I tried making a vanilla profile for mod organizer to see if the problem persists but the game crashes when I attempt to run that profile

Running the game through steam fixes the issue. perhaps it has something to do with mod organizer?

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Things I have tried:

Invalidate game files

Loading new vanilla profile through mod organizer

uninstalling solid project

sorting load order through loot

disabling one tweak

clearing space on my hard drive

cleaning registry in case its an issue to do with the game thinking theres a controller plugged in

Actually plugging in a controller to see if I can move the camera in first person with it

uninstalling the GECK

enableplayercontrols in console commands


What in gods name is wrong with this game right now?!


All I can think left to do is just reinstall mod organizer entirely, and before I attempt that If theres a way to do that without having to reinstall all my mods

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Please see the 'Checklist' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. When your game suddenly starts misbehaving for no apparent reason, that covers the most likely reasons it happens.


And while I don't like to jump to this as an initial conclusion, you may want to consider the possibility of "hardware failure" especially if you have recently had any thunderstorm activity in your area. Power surges from lightning strikes can overwhelm surge strips and UPS, and brownouts can strain components.


Don't overlook the simplicity of simply powering off, waiting 30 seconds, and powering on again. Some times that is all it takes.



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I have tried restarting my computer.

I'm honestly considering the possibility of it being a virus. Sadly I have not renewed any of my anti-virus yet so im stuck with the free version of malwarebytes.


Maybe these could have something to do with it

Edited by Gohstly
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Make sure your "inactive" plugins are not present in the game "Data" folder. If so, they will still get read by the game engine and cause problems. They will also count against your "plugin cap".


Considering you have started having issues with Mod Organizer, you should try to resolve those problems before making any other changes to your load order. It's best to reduce your problems one at a time, starting with the most wide-reaching and serious (such as any potential disk drive errors).


You mentioned "clearing disk space". Did you run a "check for errors" (CHKDSK) and a "Defragmentation" afterwards?


Those INI files are "tweak" files for Wrye Flash. Generally won't be used without WF. Take a look at the "Mouse Acceleration" files and compare them with the mouse settings referenced in my first response to you.



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