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Is this suppose to happen?


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I fast traveled to Whiterun, and everyone was hostile, so I turned around and there was a bunch of Draugr and spiders behind me around the gate


http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m051q7mtCk1r8wwquo1_500.jpg (woops nearly forgot the screenshot)


here is a list of my mods just incase, although I don't think any of my mods add something like this to the game



-A Quality World Map- With Roads

-Alternate Sun Glare

-Ambient Texture Pack

-Amulet of the Nine

-AOF Believable Hair -Female and Male-

-Better Dynamic Snow

-Better Males

-Bowlegged jump animation fix

-Bump Mountains vanilla

-Bump Roads Vanilla

-Bump Snow vanilla

-Calientes Female Body Mod

-Categorized Favorites Menu

-Deadly Serious Shrouded Armor

-Dramatic Clouds

-Enhanced Blood Textures

-Enhanced Night Skyrim

-Fhaarkas Softer Animal Fur

-Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core Buster Sword

-Fountain of Youth - Beauty Project

-Hecatic Graea

-Immersive Skyrim Thunder

-Improved Combat Sounds

-Improved NPC clothing

-KenMOD -Item Icons

-Killmove plus

-Lush Grass

-Possessive Corpses no more lazy zombies and shy nimroots

-RANs HeadMesh Variants

-Readable road signs

-Real Ice

-Realistic Ragdolls and Force

-Realistic Smoke and Embers

-Realistic Water Textures and Terrain

-Sabers Armor

-Shadow Striping Fix

-Sounds of Skyrim The Wilds

-Static Mesh Improvement Mod

-Yuril Bumpy Cities Pack


so is this part of Radiant Ai/Story that I've just never seen before till now? or is it a glitch? or is it one of my mods that I don't know about


sorry if this is the wrong section to ask (and please move it if it is)


edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDECAmJAmik&feature=youtu.be here's a video

Edited by Seviraph
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I remember a bunch of Silver Hand guys attacked me in Whiterun because I was a werewolf. They went down pretty fast between the guards and the Companions. I'm not aware of why this happened with draugr and spiders though. They must be in the same faction for something like this to happen. It's probably a bug, but I don't think any of your mods would cause this. Maybe the game got confused and made the creature faction attack you instead of some other faction?
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I remember a bunch of Silver Hand guys attacked me in Whiterun because I was a werewolf. They went down pretty fast between the guards and the Companions. I'm not aware of why this happened with draugr and spiders though. They must be in the same faction for something like this to happen. It's probably a bug, but I don't think any of your mods would cause this. Maybe the game got confused and made the creature faction attack you instead of some other faction?


that does sound like a reasonable explaination, but yeah I reloaded the file again before this happened, (sense the first thing I did when I loaded my save was Fast Travel to Whiterun)


2nd time pretty much the exact same thing happened


and it seems some of them were summoners too (I guess I forgot after the battle cause their bodies dissappeared)


edit: going to upload a video of it so you can have a better idea of how it went

it doesn't seem to be a "random" glitch though cause it's happened 3 times in a row now

Edited by Seviraph
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