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Displaced ("invisible") furniture in vanilla Hearthfire houses


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To avoid conjuring this thread back into our plane of existence, here's a new one.
With a fully updated game and meticulously checked mods for conflict and versions, I am experiencing it, so a fresher thread might benefit those that might be searching for solutions.


The nature of the problem primarily looks like invisible furniture. Pretty much exactly the same as the original thread poster indicated.

Now, before any further text, I feel the need to express that I've played this game for about 6k hours and haven't had a single issue of this nature before.
Initially thought that a mod might have caused this, despite being careful solely to install the vanilla home variants. The mod didn't feel right in the end and I've uninstalled. In fact, I've started playing back from the save in which the mod didn't exist.
No changes to the areas it was supposed to affect.
However, after a few days of gameplay, I've finally decided to build a house and proceeded with what I've always done - only to face this strange furniture issue.
- allowing the housecarl to furnish it makes no difference
- waiting for the furniture to appear does nothing
- installing the same mod mentioned above with Hearthfire additions actually offers a whole lot of invisible walls (installed prior to building the house)
Upon closer inspection, I've noticed that parts of the "invisible" furniture is actually poking through walls
And low and behold, a quick tcl inspection shows that the furniture was not invisible at all.
Just displaced.
Outside of the house.
What could possibly have done this?
The only other mod I have that is affecting hearthfire homes at all is USLEEP.
Tried reinstalling that too. No changes.
If anyone is familiar with this issue or perhaps any manners of resetting furniture positions manually, do tell!
Due to lacking a solution, I've resorted to an alternative - Jaxonz Positioner.
With it, I've not only remedied the issue but made the interior a whole lot cozier and habitable, to say the least.
Edited by necromunchy
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