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Skyrim Weapon Positioning - Weapons on Back


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Hey guy's,

I'm relatively new to skyrim modding.
But after multiple vanilla playthroughs, I finally decided to spice things up.

And I came across a neat addon called "Skyrim Weapon Positioning - Weapons on back v2".
I'm mainly interested in it's features to wield daggers on your lower back and or quivers.


Nexus Mod Manager won't install it, it keeps telling me it's incomplete... infact it does this with multiple other mods as well ( such as Complete Npc Overhaul. )

Naturally I googled but had no luck in finding a proper solution.
I even gave Skyrim Mod Orginizer a shot.

But it can't locate/run SKSE ( running Skyrim Legendary Edition through steam )
And with out it's SKSE functionality you can't run any mods.. atleast that's what I got from the available online sources.

So I'm at a loss,

How do I prevent Nexus Mod Manager from showing "can't be added" "incomplete" ?
And get the addons I want to actually work?

I allready have some addons working such UNP, SkyUi, Alternate Start, RaceMenu etc.
So it's not like it couldn't install anything at all.

Edited by Divusfuria
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