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Scripting Ideas for my Utgarde Keep Dungeon


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OK so I have a few Ideas for Scripting boss fights and another in the Furnace of Hate area.


First: I would like to make it so when u kill an NPC the fire coming out of the dragons mouth (3 Mounted Dragon Skulls on the Furnace itself) is put out. There will be 3 Forgemasters and 3 Flames in the Furnace of Hate area. I know I have to put a ref name on each npc and each fire right? then use the scripting to get them to connect to one another. Well PM me and i'll try to explain it better, but IF u have played WoW Utgarde Keep dungeon then u prob know what i'm talking about lol!


Second: In the final Boss battle I would like to make it where if you kill Ingvar the Plunderer he is resurrected as a Drauger but A scaled up Drauger like maybe 1.5 or 1.6 height. And if I could make it so a Vrykul warrior female is the one to resurrect him that would be even better.


Last: In the Darlonn and Skarvald boss fight I would like to make it where if u kill one before you kill the other, the one that dies is resurrected as a ghost until the other boss thats alive dies. This one will prob be the hardest one to do, but hey maybe one of you know how to pull it off so what the hay!


Well any help here would be awesome I know you are all busy but if u get a chance just look over these and if you think they are possible to pull off let me know, Thx a lot and take care!

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