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Tiny Havoc issue after using Moveto on a dead body


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Hi guys,


I'm working on my next story for my mod which "may have" a spoof on the Incredible Hulk where an NPC turns into a Behemoth. I'm just running tests at this point to see if it's good enough to use.


So far, the transformation is working okay (totally cheesy because I don't have a transformation animation) but I guess it's doing the job.


My tiny issue is this:

When the Behemoth dies, I'm replacing the Dead Behemoth by a Dead version of the original NPC. I'm disabling the Behemoth and then bring the Dead NPC using "DeadNPC.MoveTo(DeadBehemoth)". The Dead NPC is in a hidden cell I created, in which I ran Havok sim on the body.

My issue is, because the Behemoth is so big, the Dead corpse of the NPC appears in the air, not on the ground.


Is there any way I could make him appear on the ground?


Only other way I could think of, is to have him alive in the hidden cell, kill him using NPC.Kill and move him. But he appears standing then falls right away and it's really not the ideal. But at this point, the entire transformation is cheesy already, lol



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moveto, takes parameters for offsets (x,y and z). You should do something like this:


but I'm sure you will need to mess with the numbers

Actually, -20 is perfect! LOL.


Thanks, I really appreciate it :)



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