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Can't download from NMM


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First excuse me if there is an easier way to find the answer to this question, and again if it has been asked and answered previously. I have been trying to download the latest releases of PC files for Sim Settlements by Kinggath and I get the most uninformative error message ever designed, a red box with the words "A error occurred", clearly someone has a sense of humor if not a desire to actually help. In any event I cannot not download any files, not just Sim Settlement, either through NMM or manually. I have logged in and out, waited three days incase the server was down or a database corrupted that needed repair, nothing, zip, nada it just ain't happening.


Any assistance, even smart guesses, though not comments, would be appreciated. If there is a specific place to report these errors even that would be useful. Thanking someone in advance.


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