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He got Dark Souls in my Skyrim!


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Bethesda's poly counts look like about 1/3 of that. It's good that it's only armor, because something big with that much polygon density would be eating video cards and ejecting their remains. It looks very promising though. :) Edited by Rennn
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Well to be perfectly honest, that's a horrible fan art pic you're using as reference. Use the real picture




Edit: And if there's any knight whose appearance is burned into my psyche, it's Ornstein, you speed racing little $#!+, also Havel. Though it does look good with the progess done so far.


Edit Edit: I am also taking immediate interest in this due to what I posted in the request section.

Edited by evildevil2
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Yeah with the fanart pic, it looked like the horns just went straight up, now with the actual picture and just getting my ass handed to me by the one in Darkroot Basin, I now realize that the horns lean back.


I also realize that I can use the helmet to make other helmet styles too. So I just made a fit all helm. Awesome.

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