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He got Dark Souls in my Skyrim!


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I'm still on my first playthrough, currently at Anor Londo, at the first Bonfire.


Drake Sword and Lightning Spear with Eastern armour and pyromancer glove.


Oh and a Black Knight shield.

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Only you're first?! well be honest. kill Ornstein last, he has better armor. As someone who got to level 600 and is on third playthrough. I know Smough is an ugly f*** anyways.


Also if you have any lighting weapon at all: The dragon weapons are completely useless

Edited by evildevil2
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Yeah I've stuck with the Drake sword since the beginning, but now I'm seeing the benefits of using the lightning spear with eagle shield, or when up against firey death, the Black Knight shield and +7 Longsword.


Anyway back to business. I reckon I'll make a start on the armour in the next few days, then I'll start on some of the weapons.

Edited by huntsman2310
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  • 2 weeks later...

Right I've figured that I'm going to start with the Silver Knight set instead.


That way when I've completed all of its pieces I can make minor alterations to its appearance when I make the Black Knight set.


The weapons are different though, but weapons are easier to model then armour.


So heres a rough list of what I aim to do by the start of next year.


- Black Knight and Silver Knight sets (February to May. Roughly.)


- Artorias the Abyss Walker set.


- Ornstein the Dragon Slayer set.


- Hawkeye Gough (possibly, but there is no mention of him actually wearing any unique armour, I may decide to retexture a leather armour set due to this.)


- Lord's Blade Cairan. (Probably a assassin type armour, similar to the dark brotherhood armour, but might possibly add a bit of armour to it.)


- Havel's set.


That may be the point where I decide to stop, I don't too much Dark Souls in my Skyrim.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So here is the final version of my Silver Knight helm (and by extension the black knight helm, with some minor mesh alteration).


In the end I decided to forego the wings, although they look really cool, I just can't get them right, my latest attempt looks like a toothbrush.


So here's the helm. And that isn't a texture you are seeing, thats a material I used in Blender.



Edited by huntsman2310
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