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Crash during the Battle for Whiterun


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While playing on the Imperial side, I get a CTD after defeating all of the attackers. I am using mods and I think it may be the cause, so I will update on any troubleshooting I do.


EDIT: The crash didn't happen after I disabled the mods, so I isolated the culprit through trial and error. JK's skyrim and the Holds compatability patch appeared to be the issue. I've had problems with Holds a City Overhaul before, and am wondering if anyone knows anything about it or possible instabilities, and any alternatives I could use to replace it if it continues to be an issue.


EDIT 2: After further testing, it appears that the issue was caused solely by the Holds + JK Lite + DoS Lite Patch. What a dumb bug.

Edited by Solrai
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