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FOSE Not detected


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When I start FO3 from the Launch Fallout option in FOMM all goes well until I start a new game. When I do this it tells me that FOSE is not detected or you have an old version of FOSE. I currently have v1.2 b2 from http://fose.silverlock.org/. For both Weapon Mod Kit and FWE this problem occurs. My fose_loader and other fose stuff is currently in my FO3 folder in E: Documents. When I open FO3 using the fose_loader located in my FO3 folder it crashes when it opens. I have Games For Windows Live Disabler on, but when I start it up, Live is still an option in hte main menu. And when I do start it up and I am in enfant form a giant exclaimation mark is in front of the screen indicating a mesh missing. I dont know how this happened. This is my second attempt at modding FO3, please any help at all is very much appreciated.


EDIT: I put the fose_loader.exe in the right place now but there is still a problem. When ever I start up FO3 using the fose_loader.exe it says I need the latest version of fallout 3. I downloaded this and installed it, yet it still says I haven't. It's either it doesnt fully install even though it goes to 100% OR fose has become self aware and loves to screw with me.

Edited by HoldMyEyes
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