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Home with ready bag


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Hello everybody,


I have a general question, I'm looking for a home mod with an automatic sorting system and especially a "ready bag".

I know about UHNV or UnderWater, but I don't think they have a function like a "ready bag".


Also, I'm looking for a companion mod to remote control my companions.


A recommandation ?

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Hello everybody,


I have a general question, I'm looking for a home mod with an automatic sorting system and especially a "ready bag".

I know about UHNV or UnderWater, but I don't think they have a function like a "ready bag".


Also, I'm looking for a companion mod to remote control my companions.


A recommandation ?


this is a video for the lucky 38 reloaded suite. Very nifty mod as you will see when you watch it. as for a ready bag function http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=44104 I think this mod might have what you're after. though there are several other backpack mods on the nexus that might be more to your taste. just do a search for the word "backpack"


This mod right here is very useful for companions http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=39582 as it includes several mods that make them act like regular NPCs when you aren't around. though they won't leave the area you tell them to wait in or send them to, they will wander around, sit on benches, smoke ciggarettes, eat food ((haven't seen this myself)) and sleep.


If you're looking for a mod to remotely summon your companions to you then http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=35358 is the best I can think of. Beneath the fixed cheat terminal in doc Mitchells house there's a portable one that fits into your pip boy that also has quite a few other nifty functions. To access the companion summoning feature you first have to summon the mighty testacles ((Prounced Tes'tah'clees)) the centurion into your game. from there he can easily summon any of your companions to you.


As for something that allows you to control your companions as you would your player character. that would be a bit difficult to work out and I haven't heard of anything like it. Though I'll admit i'm a bit unsure exactly of what you mean by "remote control"

Edited by formalrevya
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Shameless plug for my own work here. Sortomatic Faction Safehouses runs off Sortomatic, a full blown, dynamic and user configurable sorting mod. Using the IQM (Inventory Quota Manager), you can set up items that you always want on you, such as your favorite guns, armor, specified ammo and food, etc. Once set up, a single activation of the IQM can replenish all your supplies, and even remove everything you don't want and put it in the proper containers that you choose.


There are 10 options for houses included in the my mod. If you don't like those, PM me and I can see about either making one just for you and your liking, or I can easily tweak an existing mod to add it (for personal use of course).


Oh, I forgot to mention that, while the houses in that mod don't have it, Sortomatic does have a fully integrated display system that doesn't require you to put your items into certain containers, or click buttons to 'restock' the shelves. And one last thing, Sortomatic also has crafting stations that will automatically give you all components you need (for vanilla recipes, but easily extensible to other mods).

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