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Modyfying the combat system


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I have been looking at Skyrim's combat system and am somewhat dismayed at the over simplification of hack and slash. As a long time student of Iaido, Iaijustsu, and Kenjutsu I think the game could benefit from a more in depth implementation of sword combat. Though I am not a programmer or coder I do have two things. I have my knowledge of martial arts and I have 130K Xsens MOCAP system. If anyone has serious inquiries and skills and is interested in modifying Skyrim's combat system, please let me know.
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I feel you on this as a student of western sword arts watching my character fight in a manner completely contrary to how you should fight with a sword is annoying, however would you be proposing that only the Dovakiin get better attack animations or that everyone get better animations? To my understanding it is still impossible to add new animations without replacing already existing ones, so by adding better ones every one would get them.
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I would doubt that he only refers to combat animations, but a complete combat overhaul. And there is still reason for this, since Skyrim is the first RPG to offer a possible base for this. And there are no local damage zones yet. A perfect combat simulation would consider force, protection, and the angle of the attack.

Dunno how far this is already in mind of the well known modders, but Spooky was into that already with Oblivion. His mod Duke Patrick Combat Archery had local damage zones. This was not for pure graphic effects like in deadly reflex, but improved the combat itself.

I would recommend you to contact Spooky, since he is a medieval combat arts expert. As far as I know he is no animation expert unfortunately, though he wanted to get into this stuff. Somehow he expected Skyrim to offer this new possibilities.

anyway, I am looking forward to your contributions, well, it is very fun, but also hard work. Good Luck!

Edited by fingerschnipp
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I like that u cant add any new anims without to replace in a tool for 2012 year.

Would like to see more combat moves.


1. Left Hand to have as many diferent attacks as right hand has ( i dont care if the "mirror" the same motions that u do with right hand for the left hand)

2.Posibility to place shield in left or right hand, how u want.

3. Posibility to defend with with right, left hand even if u have a magic in the other hand.

4. Throw weapon, shield ( weapon slows your enemys, shield staggers)

5 Posibility to change your weapon, shield or spells from one hand to other when u press a button form keyboard.

6. Posibilty to attack with shields too that have ass many attacks as weapon does but will do less damage.

7. Can somehow turn friendly fire off is so bad to attack enemys while u have friends nerby coz i kill them all with 1 hit.

8. Can the distance that u move during when u do side and back power attack be decreased buy at lest 50% coz u go to much into the direction and u can miss the target spacialy on back power attacks.

Edited by MikeDavis
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