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Removing stolen goods tag?

Maximus IronFist

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Hey all is there a mod or a way to remove the stolen tag from items. My save games became corrupted and I had to start over and I have placed some armor and weapons throughout the game and now when I try to pick them up there is a red hand on them and I keep getting arrested. I dont want to join the thieves guild as i am playing a paladin character.Thanks
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Or another option would be to find an empty container somewhere, put all your stolen items inside, open console, select the container, and enter "removeallitems player". It will transfer all the items to the player and remove any ownership flags.
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If you have OBSE there is a function to get any inventory object by its number and the number of objects. Here's how it would work:


ref object

ref num


For objectIndex:= 0 through n - 1

set object to player.GetNthItem objectindex

set num to player.GetItemCount object

player.removeItem object num

player.addItem object num

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