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Immersion mod: Cold Breath.... Is it possible?


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Both dragons and the player are capable of using the "Frost Breath" shout... I take it you haven't found that one yet. :)


I don't think he means that.

I think he might mean when you exhale during cold weather, you can see you breath.


Like this:




Would add some immersion to it. As well as your horses breathing.

I know there is a mod already for making your character and NPC's chest move when breathing, this would add to it.

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I don't think he means that.

I think he might mean when you exhale during cold weather, you can see you breath.


Like this:




Stendarr's mercy, someone taught that child the Thuum! :blink:


Seriously though, that makes a lot more sense. My bad. This would be a nice atmospheric addition... it would have to be somehow linked to the cell's weather conditions, though. There are parts of Skyrim that mostly seem to stay above the freezing point.

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