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[HELP] I'm looking for some scripting help, nothing to intense. At


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So I had this idea last night when laying in bed (when all the best ideas are had) and I thought it would be a freaking AWESOME mod. Pretty sure it wouldn't require anything other then some scripting. Even then, I think most of it would be with existing scripts as well. Mostly, I just want to get an idea of how difficult this would be.

I posted a picture and a video so far about a Bard I made, and he's a bard because of the Playable Instruments mod. All it does though, is once you equip the instrument, you play a 15, 20 second instrumental ditty, raise your Speech and maybe get some gold. My idea was to take what MGStein did with his and make it go a bit further and make it like an actual Bard in most MMO's and RPG.

When you equip an instrument, immediately after leaving your inventory page or favorites menu (if it's favorited) a pop up appears, could be like a page from a book. On it is listed the normal instrumental songs that you would normally have just done with the Playable Instruments. You'd select these when you're in crowds or public places. But other options listed would be things like...


Inspiring Word

Song of Scourge

The heroes hymn


Etc. What these "songs" do, is as soon as they are selected the page goes back and you are in game and you essentially cast some sort of Alteration or Restoration spell. All of these would be an AoE so it affects you, your companion and any other followers you have. So be it a group heal, or buff, or... an AoE Fear or Calm, that would effect enemies. Each spell would be just like if you were casting it and it would raise that skill and certain "songs" could only be used when you hit the appropriate level in Alteration or Restoration.

I think this would be such an amazing mod. The scripting involved would really be to initiate that popup upon equip, and then to initiate the "cast" once selected. making all the spells act as an AoE isn't that hard, I could probably do that. It would be a matter of just creating a new spell and literally copying what say, Courage does, and then pasting it and making it an AoE. It would then just need to be attached to the script. The only other thing I could see that we would need to do that may not be script related, it to shorten to playing animation of the instruments. For the instrumental songs in front of crowds, it's fine as is. But in battle, when using one of the songs, I think it should be 3 seconds or so. The effect would be immediate, as in as soon as you selected the song, but you can't be standing around either. One strum on the loot, one tap on the drum and then that would be it. Animation is over, you equip your weapon and go fight.

So thoughts, comments, advice? Scripters... how hard would something like this actually be?


TL:DR: Equipping instruments and then choosing "songs" that allow you to do AoE Alteration and Restoration spells

Edited by NewberL337
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