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Hello fellow community.


I'm sure the majority of the fans here would love to see some cloaks. I'm no modder myself, but I know there are talented people out there who scroll through these threads to find something that will make a lot of people happy. So far there aren't many released mods on the subject, I know there's been some cape releases and such, but I'm talking about cloaks; capes combined with hoods!

There was a great and well known Capes & Cloaks mod for Oblivion, which was very popular.


I'm not talking about re-texturing the hoods in the game, we've many, many of those out there already. I'm thinking something from LOTR or something similar.





So I'm simply asking, has anyone had any future thoughts on making some Cloaks? I'm sure fans of all sort of fantasy would love to see that!

Thanks in advice.

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8O I love you! <3


also will it be in a unique equipment slot?


Yup my cloaks are set up in slot 45 as suggested in the: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/556409-body-part-ids-for-unused-biped-nodes-consensus/page__gopid__4666515#entry4666515

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Oh thats cause its for modders only...dur dur. It suggests what would be a good way to use the unused slots, 45 was suggested as cloak/scard/cape slot.
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