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CK Tip: Non-Tattered Banners


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In creating my Drakehelm Manor and Grotto house mod it was bothering me that all of the available banners look moth-eaten and tattered. By pure happy accident I stumbled across a setting that takes care of the problem.


After placing a banner in your cell, open its edit window and go to the Extra tab. About halfway down on the left you'll see the Alpha Cutoff field. By default it is set at 85, and by setting it at 0 the alpha channel is hidden completely... thus making the banner appear whole. A value of 100 makes it appear at its most tattered, and you can choose any value in between to dial it in to your taste.


One odd thing.. close up, the Solitude Banner has holes no matter what the Alpha Cutoff is set at. I don't know if there's something wonky with its mip maps or what.


Also, I imagine that there are other objects out there besides banners that this will affect as well but I can't think of any off the top of my head.


This is all probably old news to the more experienced modders, but I hope it helps someone out there.



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It's a pretty neat trick, they use it in a few other pieces as well. (broken up wooden flooring)

the models have some transparency set in the vertex colors, as well as noisy values in the texture. The transparency only shows up if that alpha threshold is raised, setting the 'fail' bit higher, so more tattering is apparent.

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