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my trouble with obse


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hey guys i am really having trouble with obse. the thing is that when i download it and put it in my oblivionlauncher.exe. it dont work in the game, when i try to click on the obse launcher it says "couldent find oblivion.exe, make sure you're running this from the same folder as your oblivion.exe". i really dont know what to do and it is in my oblivion.exe., im trying to download the basic primary need mod and when i look at the requirements it says i need a obse version 20 or higher which im using. p.s. i am using obse from the offical website.
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I guess first thing is to just review the installation instructions (they appear to vary if you are using the Steam version or not)... http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionUtilities.Detail&id=55

I can't give expert advice, but it kind of just worked for me [with the Steam version] after pasting the files into the correct directory. I still use the regular Steam launcher rather than the obse one.

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Make sure you put all files including the DLLs (everything but the "src" folder, that's just included in the archive for programmers to play around with) into your Oblivion folder, likely somewhere like "program files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion", or "C:\Games\Oblivion", if you followed common suggestions to install it outside of the overprotected program files system folder. The files must be exactly in the same folder as the "Oblivion.exe", "OblivionLauncher.exe" and all DLLs coming with Oblivion etc. Do "not" put it into the program folder created in the Start Menu or the user files folder containing the "oblivion.ini" and your savegames created in "My Documents" for example! A total file path to the folder you placed it to and to your Oblivion install could be helpful, as we would spot pretty quickly, if you put it into the wrong place or are confusing the folders or the like.


edit: Also some people make the mistake to not "extract" the archives they download. So by the off chance you actually just put the "zip" or ".7z" or whatever into this folder, that's the issue. Just checking, happened too often in the past.


edit: Good point with Steam, ponyboy10! Things work very differently there. We need to know what kind of installation you're using, OP. And while talking of downloaded games, if you're using Oblivion from Direct2Drive (D2D), OBSE will not work, period.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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im am using obmm....and when i extract files (which i just usally copy) i use winrar....i never heard of steam...can you explain to me what it is..if not send me a website or something about it


also i think your right...i dont extract the files i just copy them......if thats the wrong way to do it

Edited by gengar807
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i dont know what steam is.....and i dont extract the files even though i am using winrar. i copy them (if theres a problem with that can you tell me why)...i also noticed i had the src in the files so i deleted it...


what is steam and what does it do?

i am also using obmm for my mods

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If you don't know what Steam is, it doesn't matter for you. It's like an online store where you buy games but don't get a physical copy disc or something. If Oblivion "was" installed from Steam, things would be very different in regards to third-party applications such as OBSE is. But as you're likely not using Steam, it doesn't matter for you.


OBSE cannot be installed via OBMM though. At least I think it can't, as it's not a "mod" to begin with but a third-party "tool". It doesn't go into the "data" folder, and as such it's likely impossible for OBMM to install its files. Someone correct me, if I'm telling nonsense here.


You don't download the "files" directly from OBSE's homepage but only an "archive" containing them in packed form. To get the actual files and folders out of it you "extract" them. You cannot, and need not, for example "extract" the "obse_loader.exe", as if you're seeing this inside your Oblivion folder, it must've been already extracted quite fine.

WinRAR should be sufficient, provided it's able to extract the files out of the archive. But as you mentioned removing the "src" folder from your Oblivion already, you "must" have had extracted it correctly already, else it wouldn't have been there.


Like I said, if the "files" from OBSE, that is the "obse_loader.exe" and all the ".dll" are in the correct folder, OBSE should work.


What's your exact file pathes and folders? What does your Oblivion folder look like after installing OBSE? What files are in there? Maybe even a screenshot of it perhaps?


edit: As you never mentioned it, what game version are you using? What's displayed below your main menu at the title screen? Latest versions of OBSE only work with a game patched up to v1.2.0416! I don't know the exact error the loader will give you, but it could be of a similar wording as what you receive.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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thanks for the advice....but im also having another huge problem...i cant fine my oblivion.exe. like i dont have one....iv cheaked and cheaked but im 99.9% sure i dont have it...i dont know whats going on..its so weird so i dont know where to put the files now.....what i have when i go on my programs files (x86)>bethesda softworks> oblivion

it shows

















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Alright, this looks like the correct folder at least.


Hmm, known file type suffixes not displayed. This is always a troublemaker for those not being too tech-savvy. I wonder who had this brilliant idea to introduce this into the next Windows back then.

Well, what icon does this "Oblivion" in there have? Or if you right-click to its preferences, does it anywhere say "executable" or something like that? The only file with "Oblivion"-something in there should in fact be the EXE, and has a nice Oblivion gate logo as its icon. If you double-click this, the game should start.


This is the folder the OBSE files should be placed into.


But I'm reading "program files (x86)" there, does this mean you're on Windows Vista or Windows 7? In this case it's not unlikely the UAC will mess with your files, especially when installed via 3rd-party programs, in those overly protected system folders such as "program files (x86)". The files are actually placed somewhere totally different, a compatibility folder or something they call it, but your Explorer will pretend they're still in there, though no software will be able to find them. That's why it's advised to install the game somewhere outside of those folders, if one's on Vista/Win7.


You might also have to execute the loader as an administrator (right-click > run as administrator), in the off chance it can't find "Oblivion.exe" because it's not allowed to "access" it.

(Must be administrator to run a "game"... yepp, you just have to love those OS!)


Install OBSE into there and give us another list of the files, so we can see everything's gone exactly where it should be and nothing's missing. Then it "should" work and we only have to figure out what "prevents" this from happening on your system.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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