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Smithing Problem


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I dont know where to post this issue im having and my english isnt so good.


I cant use the workbench, grindstone and leather racket. But i can use the forge. Ive tried reinstalling the game doesnt work. So im really out of ideas.


Would appreciate if anyone could help out. Thanks.

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Where are the workbench, grindstone and leather rack located in the game that you are trying to use? Are they in a mod you are making? Are they in a mod you downloaded? Are they in a town or city?



I found some of the crafting devices in the creation kit that did not work properly in game. I know that the CraftingBlacksmithSharpeningWheel, CraftingBlacksmithArmorWorkbench and CraftingTanningRackMarker work so try those instead if you are making your own mod.

Edited by Reforged
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Where are the workbench, grindstone and leather rack located in the game that you are trying to use? Are they in a mod you are making? Are they in a mod you downloaded? Are they in a town or city?



I found some of the crafting devices in the creation kit that did not work properly in game. I know that the CraftingBlacksmithSharpeningWheel, CraftingBlacksmithArmorWorkbench and CraftingTanningRackMarker work so try those instead if you are making your own mod.


Its vanilla. I tried using the grindstone,workbench and leather rack in Whiterun and riverwood. Everytime i try to use them the menu comes up but then its like something pushes a button and he stops using it.


Thanks for reply.

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It may be a bad file that never got deleted when you re-installed. It sounds like this is a severe handicap that you are facing. Perhaps uninstall and before you reinstall, go to the skyrim folder and delete everything left there. The uninstall may not be removing everything and whatever is left there is mucking up the reinstall? I wish I had a better suggestion for you. It is obvious that something is hosing up your crafting interface. After you reinstall, test the crafting equipment before loading any mods or addons. If it works, load/install one at a time and re-test before doing the next. Then you may find the culprit.
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