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Beautiful Mistress Armor Crashes Skyrim XB1


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Every time I attempt to equip my ebony chest piece (Beautiful Mistress) my skyrim crashes.

Take a look at my load order I suspect something may be amiss. Never had his problem before.


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You would probably find more help on the Bethesda.net forums, as that's where pretty much all console players/modders are. Nexus is 99.99% PC users, and most of us either don't have a console or don't mod on the console if they have one ('cause we mod on PC).


Also, you're on the wrong forums entirely; this forum is for Skyrim, not the Special Edition, which is the game you're talking about (as console-users can't legally mod Skyrim).


Anyway, on PC, such a crash would usually be caused by putting a HDT-enabled mesh on a character without a suitable skeleton, like XPMSE, installed. No idea about console, as without SKSE you wouldn't be able to have HDT...although BBP might be a thing as that's animations rather than physics...is that outfit BBP-enabled and do you have XPMS(E)/non-vanilla/modded skeleton installed?

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