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"Start me up" mod - Get a gun in place of baton in Vault 111


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Okay, so I have tried through creation kit a few times..to simply..put a gun to use either in place of the first baton you get after leaving the cryopod, as well as in the nearby room on a desk by a computer. I have my own reasons for doing this(as well as the requested idea from a dear friend of mine). Problem is everytime I try and do something simple as creating a new duplicate 10mm gun to place in the vault 111 area right after u see the first radroach(on the window into that generator room), it either doesnt appear..when I simply drag the SAME first 10mm gun you find on the overseers desk to the desk with the computer that has those security logs on it, it wouldnt appear where I dragged it on the desk. When I did make a duplicate of the same gun..it would be there early on that desk I placed it on..but I pick it up...it doesnt equip..even after grabbing the baton..I note that of course when getting the original gun off the overseers desk, it does auto-equip..and put itself on your right side favorites slot. This probably is next to nothing both in urgency/care..and actual necessity...but if anyone can give me a simple solution..or set something like this up..I don't doubt others would appreciate as well as myself certainly. Thanks for taking the time to read this ramble. :laugh: :confused:


Edit: In my sleepless incoherence I felt a need to perhaps clarify. My issue: I cannot myself through creation kit place a duplicate or new 10mm(because it seems the most legit and easy placement) in place of that first baton you get in Vault 111(using start me up mod).

Edited by JonLynn
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Hmmm. so you can get it in game, just doesn't work... I wonder if it's part of the scripting.


BTW, the baton is hotkey 1, gun is 2


Try again, and see if hitting the 2 switches you to the gun. (no pip-boy yet for the char)


Don't forget to put some ammo in there. Oh, if you have no ammo, you cannot equip the weapon. Almost forgot about that.

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Did you activate the esp in NMM?


You also need to add these scripts:




-Drag a 10mm into the render window.

-Right-click on the 10mm, go to scripts tab

-add MQ102PistolTakeScript

-add WeapAutoEquip. Double-click. Use these settings: FavoriteSlot: 2 or any. WeaponHasAutoEquipped: GlobalVariable const, Pick Object PlayerHasEquipped10mm


Or just download my .esp



In CK filter for NewStart10mm. I only replaced the first baton.

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Ok, cool. Yea I too thought it might've been something to do with scripting. Will try both of these things...I dunno if hotkeys will work..sorry I use a xbox one controller..not sure how that would work out honestly. Thank you though for the replies! ^_^)b


Edit: Ok I have tried doing this exactly. As you have stated RangerDulann, not rightly sure what I am missing..I had the edit window for both original 10mm you first find on overseers desk and the duplicate I made to put near the baton..made sure all the info you gave me was the same..as well the vanilla 10mm. They match up fine..character still wont equip it on pickup..nor put it on a favorites slot. Though I am grateful for the help..an .esp you provided..its same story..I saw your 10mm in place of baton..an the bullets around it. I pick it up...wont equip. So not sure what I'm doing wrong. Only thing comes to mind..is I'm using Start me Up(alt start mod) Even though I still chose the similar wake up in Vault 111 story..I don't really imagine this has much to do with my problem. I'll keep trying..any other advice/thoughts are welcome.

Edited by JonLynn
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