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Why Won't My Skyrim Mods Work?


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I downloaded Skyrim on my PC from a pirated source (I do fully support Bethesda because i legally purchased the game for sixty dollars and I plan to legally purchase all of the DLCs too so please no hate). The game runs fine, however, I downloaded the Nexus Mod Manager and have been downloading mods such as the Dragonbone Armor from the website into it. I check them so that they are on and launch Skyrim from the application but when I get into the game they are not there. Then I tried downloading and installing them manually and still no result except for the mod that changes the main menu music to "The Dragonborn Comes. Oh and I do have the code in the preferences that allows you to use mods (bEnableFileSelection=1). Please help, modding was the only reason I even decided to try PC gaming.



If you downloaded an illegal copy of the game, you're a pirate. End of story.

Guess you'll have to ask you pirate friends why the mods don't work, since you won't be asking here. --TNL

Edited by Thandal
poster banned.
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