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a little navmesh assistance


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So I am editing outside cells -9,-14 and it slightly runs into -9,-15. Anyways I was wondering if there was anyway I could just auto-gen just those two cells because I've added a little bit of land and a building. When I try to adjust it myself something always messes up, like the barrier in-between cells -9,-14/-9, -15 my follower cant make it past the barrier. If there was anyway I could just auto-gen navmesh for both those cells it would be much easier. So if anyone knows how I could do that then that would be great.

Thank in advance.

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You need to make sure vertices line up in each cell on the border and ontop of each other so it looks like 1. then once both cells are navmeshed finalize both. On the border there should be a green line. If there is no green line then you have vertices that dont have a vertice to connect to.



Do not auto generate the cells navmesh unless you want to spend the next day or two cleaning 8 borders instead of just the 2. when you auto generate it wont look at the connecting cells and put vertices wherever. Just place your vertices along the border next to the other cells border vertice.

Edited by jet4571
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thanks got it figured out now, i didn't realize that on the green borders that there were two vertices to link other vertices on both sides. that is the major issue i was having. now ima have to go around everything by hand i guess =/

thanks again!

Edited by fpstruffles
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