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Desperately Need Help With Character Creation Menu


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I suppose I should have posted this here in the first place since it is a request, after all. Like the title says, I could really use some help with the character creation. No matter what I try or what mods I use, I can't create a decent looking character. I'm tired of spending hours in the character creation only to end up with yet another ugly character. Anyhow, the other day, I was browsing on the Nexus and I came across a screenshot of paulomei's stunning creation:




I've already messaged paulomei; however, it appears he hasn't been active for a while, so there's no telling if I'll ever get a response. I would be forever grateful if a character creation savant would re-create this character and upload the save-game file, preferably at Helgen, but I would be more than grateful for any help at all - even if it's just a list of the corresponding slider positions. If I do hear back from paulomei and he wishes I do not copy his character, I'll ask the moderators to close the thread; I have no desire to go against someone's wishes, especially pertaining to user-created content. I'm just sick to death of wasting countless hours in the character creator only to play a few hours before growing weary of staring at another ugly avatar and starting the whole process over. I'm fairly certain I've spent more time creating characters than actually playing Skyrim.


As for mods used with paulomei's original, the only one I know with certainty is Lovely Hairstyles by znoop (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7403), where I found the screenshot. Obviously, a freckles mod is in place as well, but I'm not certain of the exact mod. Does anyone recognize which, if any, face and/or body mod is being used? Eyes?



Please help me. I just want to stop obsessing over my character and get back to playing! And yes; I'm well aware I'm a neurotic mess. Lastly, moderators: If this request violates forum/Nexus rules or etiquette, will you please lock the thread? Thank you.

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