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Using Skyrim 2k AND others


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I saw the DLC fix and now I'm wondering, if you can use Skyrim HD 2K and other texture mods.

I am using the 2k HD mod and a few others, like realistic water and skyrim nights.


What does skyrim load? The textures from the 2k mod or the other mods?

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Are you referring to the texture pack from bethesda? Unless something has changed in the last 48 hours, the texture pack will only override existing texture mods you may have installed, but that's it. Honestly, it's not worth downloading unless you don't use modded textures, as it's the same textures as before but at a higher resolution. There are far better textures that you can get from the modding community.
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You can use the HR Texture pack from Bethesda as a base by loading them as archives, not mods. That way, any texture replacers in as overrides still work as overrides.


Its also very easy to do.


In the Skyrim.ini (in your documents folder) replace the [Archive] section with this:



sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa

sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa


Then disable the HR Texture pack ESPs and you are now using the HR packs for everything but your overrides.

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