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Do you like intricate puzzles? Do you by any chance know how to write SKSE plugins? Boy, do I have a puzzle for you!


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I've stumbled upon Floating Menu & Ballon Widget.


Alas, I was in for a disappointment.


First of all the mod was incorrectly packaged (Data/Scripts/Scripts) instead of (Data/Scripts). After masterfully conquering that Herculean task, I entered Skyrim and lo and behold there were floating dialogue widgets.

Actually that is not that completely true, if you use Alternate Start mod the moment you click on any of the dialogue options, the game crashes. So the mod obviously doesn't work for Talking Activators or Say papyrus function.

Another issue is when 'ballon' widget is showing on the screen, if you press any key on your keyboard the sound of learning a spell is played!

The sound is probably a remnant of debug function to notify the author that something isn't working as intended.

I've looked at the log (...\My Games\Skyrim\SKSE\FloatingMenu.log) and it shows this:

FloatingMenu ver.1 loaded.
  09000800 is Floating Menu Quest
FloatingMenu::FloatingMenu() 12002F00
  loaded Inteface/FloatingMenu.swf successfully
  numMaxWidgets = 8
OnWidgetLoaded: BalloonWidgetManager_09000800_0
  OnWidgetLoaded: BalloonWidgetManager_09000800_0
error: Function balloonwidget.test is not found.
error: Function balloonwidget.test is not found.
error: Function balloonwidget.test is not found.
error: Function balloonwidget.test is not found.
error: Function balloonwidget.test is not found.
error: Function balloonwidget.test is not found.

This was tested on LE edition and only using USLEEP and Alternate Start.


The source for the dll and swf are provided at the linked page.


So, if any of you swell people would like to lend a hand and at least disable that annoying sound, I and everyone who likes this mod, would be at a great debt to you.


EDIT: Reason I'm asking for help, is because the author of that mod doesn't seem to be active anymore and there is no way to contact him directly (except twitter, which I don't use), and/or if I'll ever get their reply.

Edited by stradivuckos
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