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Creating "Hello World" text when casting a summon spell


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I just learned how to compile a script and add it to a magic effect. This is what I have:


ScriptName DunmerSpirit extends ActiveMagicEffect
{This is my first script.
It prints the message "Goodbye, JoJo!" to the screen once.}
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
Debug.Notification("Goodbye, JoJo!")
I just want it to say "Goodbye, JoJo!" when I cast the spell for now.
In the future, I want to make it so I can summon him passively under certain conditions such as low health. I would also find it interesting If I could glue this summon to myself so it will follow my pathing exactly. It is supposed to be a spirit that sort of hovers over my character. I will work on changing its color, make the legs entirely invisible and make it quite large. I want the actor to be able to attack my enemies and absorb attacks for me while taking no damage. Perhaps be able to cast some fireballs.
Atm, I have managed to create a darkelf ghost summon that wields Bonemold armor and a ebony sword.
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