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Fallout 3 crashes upon loading my mod's cell


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I'm trying to learn modding and I made a basic cell today. After saving it and then teleporting into it using coc the game crashed after a couple seconds.


I'm running Fallout 3 on Windows 7 64bit

Settings are on Ultra if that matters, but it shouldn't because the game runs fine otherwise and the cell literally only has 10 objects in it, no lights, navmesh or anything like that.


I don't have any other mods installed, but I have all DLC.

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I dublicated Silver's room in Springvale, but I deleted all objects.

I have entered Silver's house without the mod on with no crashing.


Okay, on further investigation it seems the room isn't making me crash, its the space outside of the room (void), because at first coc teleported me outside the room (hadn't set a marker) but this time I teleported in the room for some reason and didn't crash until I walked out of the empty doorway that I had in there.


I won't write this off as fixed yet, the problem still might persist.

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I will tell you this about modding and the GECK. Many times you will do something that should work and you find it does not work. Sometimes it defies logic and you swear it should work and honestly it should. You redo what you were working on either the same exact way or find another way to do it and it all suddenly works. I can take a look at the Cell if you want to see what is wrong. I can PM you my email or you can upload it somewhere.

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