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setVehicle help


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I'm trying to implement a sam-fisher style grab by having the character 'mount' the target. All dodgey references aside it seems to be the most expedient way of doing it. I had trouble for a while because I couldn't find where mounting horses is implemented (still can't find that, and if someone knows where it is, if it isn't handled entirely natively, I'd be grateful if you'd tell me) but eventually I noticed the setVehicle() function. unfortunately I can't get it to work, akCaster.setVehicle(akTarget) seems like it should set the target to be the caster's vehicle, but nothing happens, even if the target is a horse, which suggests that there are certain pre-conditions that need to be met for setVehicle to be effect, but I don't know what they are. If anyone knows anything about this (beyond what is present on the creation kit wiki here:http://www.creationkit.com/SetVehicle_-_Actor) I'd be grateful for any help. Edited by MGoods
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