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Falling through floor in CK-made room


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I've been trying to make a new interior from scratch. Strangely though I keep falling through the floor pieces whenever I try to walk on them. I set the coc marker heading to start on a platform and I can walk on that without issue. However moving onto the floor pieces, I fall right through them. I set the marker heading to start me off on the floor itself, and that seems to slow down the falling, but it's still unnavigable.


Probably doing something stupid here, but I can't find what it is. Any help would be much appreciated!



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When you say, "from scratch" do you mean you created a floor tile with a custom mesh/texture? If it is a floor tile that came with the creation kit, what is the ID of the floor you are using?

It's an existing creation kit tile - by "from scratch" I mean starting with an empty cell.


ID is SOVintFloor01

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The collision must be buggered on that piece as it does not hold up when I test it. Use the SOVintFloorMid01 model instead. It holds up as expected.


Interesting discovery though...I am already thinking pit trap with the one you found.

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That one caught me out aswell. The floor section SOVintFloor01 has no collision layer (thats why the use count is 0 to start with). Select the floor piece, pres Ctrl-F and replace it with SOVintFloorMid01, it is the same piece rotated 90 degrees.


As an aside, you can press F4 to toggle display of the collision layer in the render window to check for such things if in doubt about a particular art asset.

Edited by flobalob
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  • 3 years later...

I was having the same damn problem with a particular floor piece too. So thanks to everyone in this thread. There's also some wall pieces that have no collision layer as well. I ended up putting some collision boxes in to keep the player from falling into the void. Once again, thank you Bethesda

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