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Cloak that fires projectiles


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Is this possible? I have tinkered around with the cloak archetype for a bit but can't seem to figure this out. Didn't seem to want to accept fire and forget spells, needs to be concentration I think. However projectiles do not appear. I tried attaching a script that uses the remotecast function to cast a projectile spell from the caster (cloaked actor) to the target (those in range of the cloak), using the lighting bolt spell to test it, but it fires the projectile from the cloaked actors' mouth directly forward, instead of at the targeted actor. However the targeted actor still takes the hit of the lightning bolt even though they didn't get stricken by the actual projectile itself, so while that's something I really would prefer the visual element to work as well, ie the projectiles flying toward the intended target, from the cloaked individual. Example; Lighting bolt cloak that fires lightning bolts at all targets around the caster simultaenously. Any ideas? :happy:

Edited by Drazhar753
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awesome creativity and ideas!


although my mod-fu is not strong, and I mainly mod collab in FO4,

I think some kludges could be possible...

if skyrim can do some of that stuff... then, more wearable weapons etc will catch on for FO4,

it's a win-win.


shavkacagarikia had a snippet in a similar question asked by carnagefield a while back,

i think that might help.

that might give you some ideas, though that fragment is based in FO4,

the concept might help.




you could have onEvent,

which is mapped to the button press,

and a magic nested hidden container...

that way, it's not too overpowered. ie, it will 'double drain' your mana bar, to use 2 or more powers at once...

offsetting the zeroing point for the effects node in a wearable cape/cloak...

that will be tricky.


you could have a 0% opacity 'cloaked' hidden weapon instance merged with a cloak...

that could be very sneaky, as it would never count as a weapon, and wouldn't be confiscate or aggro-on-use...


though, FO4 has 'force powers'.

so, perhaps those could somehow similarly be kludged with a cloak?

(either that 'force powers' mod author, or some inspired by that)

ie, just an animation-group which is the weapon also,

so you can look like Palps or Zeus throwing that lightning.


I've tried to tinker a "flight-cape" in FO4,

in primary colors, Red, Blue, Yellow etc,

which allow your character to fly to various heights

so, if that's possible, maybe we can make a 'lightning cloak".


and, a lenticular/animation 2D-3D cloak surface

(for that "Inspector Gadget" style hat-band etc.)




I hope there's some ideas there, or is of some use for you

and good luck in modding this.


if we can have flight-capes and capes-nurbs-face-groups be "2D-3D" as a keyed animation surface...

(think of the awesome, a Universe Sim VR recording as the animation surface on a cloak lining...)

we can hopefully make a cloak which fires extra stuff at your target.

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awesome creativity and ideas!


although my mod-fu is not strong, and I mainly mod collab in FO4,

I think some kludges could be possible...

if skyrim can do some of that stuff... then, more wearable weapons etc will catch on for FO4,

it's a win-win.


shavkacagarikia had a snippet in a similar question asked by carnagefield a while back,

i think that might help.

that might give you some ideas, though that fragment is based in FO4,

the concept might help.




you could have onEvent,

which is mapped to the button press,

and a magic nested hidden container...

that way, it's not too overpowered. ie, it will 'double drain' your mana bar, to use 2 or more powers at once...

offsetting the zeroing point for the effects node in a wearable cape/cloak...

that will be tricky.


you could have a 0% opacity 'cloaked' hidden weapon instance merged with a cloak...

that could be very sneaky, as it would never count as a weapon, and wouldn't be confiscate or aggro-on-use...


though, FO4 has 'force powers'.

so, perhaps those could somehow similarly be kludged with a cloak?

(either that 'force powers' mod author, or some inspired by that)

ie, just an animation-group which is the weapon also,

so you can look like Palps or Zeus throwing that lightning.


I've tried to tinker a "flight-cape" in FO4,

in primary colors, Red, Blue, Yellow etc,

which allow your character to fly to various heights

so, if that's possible, maybe we can make a 'lightning cloak".


and, a lenticular/animation 2D-3D cloak surface

(for that "Inspector Gadget" style hat-band etc.)




I hope there's some ideas there, or is of some use for you

and good luck in modding this.


if we can have flight-capes and capes-nurbs-face-groups be "2D-3D" as a keyed animation surface...

(think of the awesome, a Universe Sim VR recording as the animation surface on a cloak lining...)

we can hopefully make a cloak which fires extra stuff at your target.

Sorry I think you may have misunderstood. I meant cloak as in the spell archetype mechanic, not an actual worn cloak/cape.

But instead of simply setting enemies nearby on fire, I was trying to figure out how to make it fire projectiles instead.

Edited by Drazhar753
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It should be possible. I'm pretty sure the vampire lord cloak of bats has a projectile. The projectile spell should be concentration, aimed, and have the same range as the magnitude of the cloak effect.

Edited by lofgren
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It should be possible. I'm pretty sure the vampire lord cloak of bats has a projectile. The projectile spell should be concentration, aimed, and have the same range as the magnitude of the cloak effect.


The vampire lord cloak uses VFX attachments through a script, similar to the way the drain health spells and soul crystals in the soul cairn work. I had a look to double check and yeah the actual projectile does nothing, it's managed through script by attaching vfx to the caster and target and set to face each other, it's what gives that visual tether effect between the two. Unfortunately this is not what I'm after, since you must use visual effects whichs' art objects are set up to work in that way in their .nif. Meaning if you try to use something that isn't set up that way (like a lightning bolt's mesh) it'll attach itself at their feet and either point directly down or some other useless direction.


I'm hoping I'm missing something simple though, perhaps one of the projectile types will work, there's a few archtypes that I haven't tested yet like 'flames' and 'beam'

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If I understood correctly you want the PC to have a cloak that will fire off lightning at near by actors, right? Maybe something like this..

Set 2 up cloaks and the desired FF spell. The first cloak, CloakA's goal is only to find targets, it has an empty effect. Now the targets that are effected have the CloakA spell attached to them. From there you should have CloakB's effect check for CloakA on actors. If CloakB detects the effect, MySpell.cast(PlayerRef, ActorWithCloakAEfffect). I think that'll work.

I've seen spells before that was FF and would hit the nearest actor, lightning spell I believe. That's another method.

My sneak tree overhaul has a power that enables the PC to hear the hearbeats of actors. Iirc, it was done in a similar fashion as above but I managed to fit it into 1 cloak and 1 FF spell. I can't remember how I done it but you're welcome to crack it open.

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If I understood correctly you want the PC to have a cloak that will fire off lightning at near by actors, right? Maybe something like this..

Set 2 up cloaks and the desired FF spell. The first cloak, CloakA's goal is only to find targets, it has an empty effect. Now the targets that are effected have the CloakA spell attached to them. From there you should have CloakB's effect check for CloakA on actors. If CloakB detects the effect, MySpell.cast(PlayerRef, ActorWithCloakAEfffect). I think that'll work.

I've seen spells before that was FF and would hit the nearest actor, lightning spell I believe. That's another method.

My sneak tree overhaul has a power that enables the PC to hear the hearbeats of actors. Iirc, it was done in a similar fashion as above but I managed to fit it into 1 cloak and 1 FF spell. I can't remember how I done it but you're welcome to crack it open.

Hi Elias thanks for the reply. I figured it out. It was down to the projectile type. Beam was no good as that would always cast from their mouth directly forward. I tried changing it to firebolt which is a missile type projectile and that will fly in the right directions. Only downside to using missile instead of beam is that there's travel time, as opposed to a beam which more or less instantly reaches it's target. But it's all good, better to have it working to this degree than not at all.


Cheers all for your help :)

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Glad that you've got it working. Are you planning on releasing any time soon? If not, could you post a video? I'd like to see how it looks!


Well I planned on it being part of the next release of my Anti-mage mod however I am unsure of it's practicality now. Turns out, having a cloak spell that casts something like a firebolt at every target it affects lags the game, since it does it simultaenously. Basically I had it as a contact spell, so when you would strike with the weapon it would apply a 1 second cloak to the target, which in turn would affect any npcs around them which would for each individual cast the spell from the npc with the cloak at the npc affected by the cloak's radius effect. When this would happen my game would hang for a small moment. I've made some pretty convoluted spell scripts so far and none of them have caused the game to hang like that, but I can understand why having that script run simultaenously for every npc around the cloak target would cause lag like that. So in other words I am probably not going to use it after all that trouble, a shame really but not really practical.


However, if you're truly interested in using it I can pm you the scripts for it. :)

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Glad that you've got it working. Are you planning on releasing any time soon? If not, could you post a video? I'd like to see how it looks!


Well I planned on it being part of the next release of my Anti-mage mod however I am unsure of it's practicality now. Turns out, having a cloak spell that casts something like a firebolt at every target it affects lags the game, since it does it simultaenously. Basically I had it as a contact spell, so when you would strike with the weapon it would apply a 1 second cloak to the target, which in turn would affect any npcs around them which would for each individual cast the spell from the npc with the cloak at the npc affected by the cloak's radius effect. When this would happen my game would hang for a small moment. I've made some pretty convoluted spell scripts so far and none of them have caused the game to hang like that, but I can understand why having that script run simultaenously for every npc around the cloak target would cause lag like that. So in other words I am probably not going to use it after all that trouble, a shame really but not really practical.


However, if you're truly interested in using it I can pm you the scripts for it. :smile:


I see. You could try my method. There was no lag for the heartbeat power but also no spell was cast, just a sound effect.

Extremely simple script:

Scriptname AceHeartBeatScript extends activemagiceffect  

Sound Property MySound Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

;Maybe something like this will work: MySpell.cast(akCaster, akTarget)
If !akTarget.IsDead()

	int SoundPlaying = MySound.Play(akTarget)
	Sound.SetInstanceVolume(SoundPlaying, 5)



Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)



What's your script look like?

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