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Quest help


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I' ve just taken my first few steps into modding and as expected, ran into some little 'difficulties'. I'd like to create a quest, a very simple one, where the player receives the quest from a created NPC.

The quest itself would be to get the NPC an apple. (Simple right?)


So the basic Dialogue looks like this:

Player -> Do you need anything?

NPC -> Well yes, I'm starving to death, could you get me an apple? I love apples.

Player -> Yes, of course!


I've set 4 stages (0 , 10 , 20, 30). 0 quest hasn't begon. 10 quest started (journal update). 20 an apple is detected in the inventory ( Can't figure out this step) . 30 Apple is given to the NPC, quest finished.


The quest is triggered properly..

I ve gotten to the point where all the dialogue works, the quest is started (so i have an alias to the NPC) . I have 2 objectives, 1) for the starting of the quest (10) and 2) when the player has an apple.


The problem however is:

WHAT alias is need for the aplle (is there an lias needed for the apple anyway?)

HOW do i check the players inventory for an apple?

HOW do i notice that the player picked up an apple

HOW can i make it work for all apples, instead of one referenced?

CAN it be done trough scripting?


Thanks !

Grtzz Senne

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