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The case of the disappearing NPC's


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I've been having a problem with NPCs I add to the game randomly dissappearing. The will sometimes show up, and then sometimes not...especially after a fasttravel


Here's a video I made to illustrate the problem:



I have no idea what causes this...I think it has to do with the AI package. For these guards, I'm using the standard "Patrol" package.


Any help would be appreciated.

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I'm a "newbie" myself with using the Creation Kit and making mods for SkyRim, so, it could indeed have something to do with your AI packages.

Maybe they are on Patrol, or went to the barracks, etc? You could try temporarily removing any AI Package from an NPC, then see if he stays put.


But I was thinking, maybe you can find where the NPCs in question disappeared to by using a console command to move the Player to an NPC?


I think the command is something like:

player.moveto xx


Where "xx" is the ID of the NPC you want to move the Player character to.

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