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[REL] Fore's New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS V1.0


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the easy way works like charm when using idle but not with movement type. Not tested with combat type. Thx for make it clear. I should give up now for the easy way.

Ok, xp, that's interesting. Movement type means, that the animation is played, but without movement? Becaus it's possible that non-movement combat animation might still work.And that's could be because movement is probably not stored in the behavior files, but in one of those extra txt files.

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I think it's the other way around, fore, movement is stored in the behavior files. Think back to my ramblings in your other thread: animation was not played, but the behavior was ok, and I can jump although no animation plays, indicating that behavior is closely related to - or perhaps even - the movement itself
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[Ok, xp, that's interesting. Movement type means, that the animation is played, but without movement? Becaus it's possible that non-movement combat animation might still work.And that's could be because movement is probably not stored in the behavior files, but in one of those extra txt files.


I suspect when rename "small" default female as well the "big" one, something was messed up. Testing it just by ONLY rename the small one and link through CK without messing anything on "big" one. but the result.was the same as I say below..


Yes! that extra .txt files! it seems the name of the small files "defaultfemale" is linked to those txt. I think we should change or add the data on those text as well so everything are connected and give exactly what are we desired. However, unlike behavior files, I don't really sure the function of the names that listed on those txt. those txt only link to other txt. I also found something interesting, some .txt name list that has in there actually has same name as hkx files in behavior.



PS: on movement type I mean, It does move but no animation play instead just idle gliding wherever the char move. If I try to edit the "big" one" [not idle but mt_walkforward to my_walkforward], all NPC were affected including male. They act like crazy or dance or like a rapper or everything that seems the act and animation that played are misplcaced. Also other female are gliding idle when walk. I'm sure I was using custom race to my player

Edited by xp32
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I think it's the other way around, fore, movement is stored in the behavior files. Think back to my ramblings in your other thread: animation was not played, but the behavior was ok, and I can jump although no animation plays, indicating that behavior is closely related to - or perhaps even - the movement itself

Raestloz, I wished I was wrong, but I'm definitely NOT. I was literally looking for hours for any movement data in the behaviors, and didn't find any. Saiden did point me to one special construct where the dragon lift off is defined, but that's all what is known of.


On the other hand there are 3 .txt files in meshes which are extremely suspicious: animationdatasinglefile.txt, animationsetdatasinglefile.txt, speeddatasinglefile.txt. These file names are also hard-coded in TESV and CK. The first 2 are in plain text, and they contain information about each and every animation. Much of it are identical to the annotations (like HitFrame, Sound) I can also see in the behaviors. So I think they might use this information for performance reasons (maybe it'S not as easy to find this in the behaviors).


But the speeddatasinglefile.txt is different. Besides few links to project data we don't have, like "DefaultFemaleData\DefaultFemale.spd" (.spd like in speed !?), it contains tons of binary data. Most likely the speed information which is missing in behaviors. So do you still believe I'm wrong? :)


PS: on movement type I mean, It does move but no animation play instead just idle gliding wherever the char move. If I try to edit the "big" one" [not idle but mt_walkforward to my_walkforward], all NPC were affected including male. They act like crazy or dance or like a rapper or everything that seems the act and animation that played are misplcaced. Also other female are gliding idle when walk. I'm sure I was using custom race to my player

I don't want to test what you do, because I don't want to mess up my FNIS environment. But when you modify "big" defaultfemale, you have to make sure that it's in sync with "big" defaultmale. "In sync" means, the number of filenames listed, and their order has to be identical in both files.


When you see dance animations, that's because FNIS uses Umpa's dance animations as examples for the the additional animation slots. So is it possible you use defaultfemale from FNIS with standard defaultmale, or vice versa? I had similar effects when I was extending defaultfemale, and let defaultmale untouched.

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Hmmm... IDK, never actually tried to mess with those text files. Their name do seem suspicious. You ever looked at "compressleveloverride.txt" and spublocksize"? It also contains stuff, but it only lists .hkx files and a float number after each name.


Also, I swear I've seen those txt files before, but where exactly are they?

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Hmmm... IDK, never actually tried to mess with those text files. Their name do seem suspicious. You ever looked at "compressleveloverride.txt" and spublocksize"? It also contains stuff, but it only lists .hkx files and a float number after each name.


Also, I swear I've seen those txt files before, but where exactly are they?

"compressleveloverride.txt"? Oh know that from _1stperson folder. you may see 0.00100 value. You see I also messing that file in "Real 1st Person View" Mod. It value has function that how fast is the cycle animation are going to play in the "gametime". If you familiar with console "sgtm" then you might understand what I mean. I was trying to modify those value to 1.0 and the animation cycle play faster [this is what I compare between 1st and 3rd since I was using the same animation file hkx to test it]. e.g MT_SprintForward.hkx 0.001000 I change it to MT_SprintForward.hkx 0.901000. Eventhough the anims play faster the speed movement isn't so That's a big proof that Behavior and movement data is a separate thing though they always work together simultaneously. I suspect the only thing that connect both are movement "act" which I dont know where to start finding it.



hmmm... I have the same thought with you after those trial but it seems the name of the file is seems more "delicate" than I thought and I somehow get clue why "small" defaultfemale has the same name with "big" defaultfemale. It definilty refer to the names in animationdatasinglefile.txt and animationsetdatasinglefile.txt. I suspect If we add the name of our new behavior graph [small and big] on those two txt.. we may got a thing to work! I'll try it rightly and somehow I feel strongly it's going to work[i really hope, hiks hiks :( ]

Edited by xp32
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Hmmm... IDK, never actually tried to mess with those text files. Their name do seem suspicious. You ever looked at "compressleveloverride.txt" and spublocksize"? It also contains stuff, but it only lists .hkx files and a float number after each name.

Also, I swear I've seen those txt files before, but where exactly are they?

Those files I mentioned are directly in meshes.


I saw your files, but didn't think they are important right now (although xp's finding is very interesting). There are so many more text files. Simply extract the whole meshes archive, and do an explorer search with *.txt.


xp, I don't hope that you are right. Because it's hard enough to modify the behaviors. But heaven forbid if we also have to find out changes in these seemingly unstructured text files.


But I don't think this is the case. Because I never had the impression when making FNIS, that there is anything important besides behavior, except for the movement data. Those text files seem to replicate much/most/all of the behavior data. Why? I have no clue.

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After painstakingly copying and renaming each and every single entry in 0_master.hkx, I finally managed to get my character working, with a custom folder


The problem is, for some reason, and at random, animations will be skipped. you'll see the animation starting but before even a second has elapsed, it will skip right to the end. So for example if you're jumping, the moment your feet leaves the ground the "landing" animation plays, but the jumping sequence plays normally (you'll still be in the air, not magically touch the ground again)


It also happens with sheath and attack animations. For some reason, normal movement (like walking, running, and sprinting) is NOT affected


This unintentionally creates that "They strike so fast you can't see 'em swing their weapon" effect :laugh: . I swing my Iron Axe, and the next thing you know the enemy has been slashed and my arm is at the ready again :laugh:


And like I said, this happens at random, if you I jumping then the animation will no longer be skipped, but If I do anything else, it may be skipped again


I don't know what's wrong though :wallbash: I copied everything perfectly and in precise order. Perhaps because I created the entry on one esp and actually use the entry on another? Perhaps .esmfying my plugin will make it work?


Also, I have this "Forms got leaked" error. What the hell is that about?

Edited by Raestloz
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Am not on my PC now, but ought to say something (and mobile version does not allow editing)


I figured out the source of the problem: the behavior state was not passed correctly. If I keep doing the same moves over and over again the behavior state remains the same, but if I change into something else (like moving) the problem appears again. I tried to constantly move in circles with WASD and the swinging animation keeps getting skipped


Will try to dig around :/

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I figured out the source of the problem: the behavior state was not passed correctly. If I keep doing the same moves over and over again the behavior state remains the same, but if I change into something else (like moving) the problem appears again. I tried to constantly move in circles with WASD and the swinging animation keeps getting skipped

What do you mean by "behavior state not passed correctly"? And how do you see that?


I try to do somehing different, but have a similar effect. I'm adding new paired animations, and it looks like the chars start going into position, but then they stop and go into normal idle. It must have something to to with the graph variables. There are several variables which seem to be used at different nodes for synchronizing the sequence. I don't have this problems with simple idles, but there are no variables needed at all.


I'm digging in mud, too. :dry:

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